Can you write a post explicitly about how IDs can be displayed in hex or decimal or bits and how they are all the same thing? We get a lot of people talking about IDs as “digits” and I’d like a definitive explanation about how data is conveyed… as a bonus maybe also cover how there is a difference between the ascii value for 4 and the decimal bitwise value of 4 and character sets, and as a double bonus go into computer theory in general and just brain dump everything into a single run-on sentence.
But really… something like this needs to me made… and for true bonus points, explaining how HID and other cards with printed decimal numbers on them encode the chip ID as printed numbers on the card… the biggest reason for this is so people who have implants can reverse this process and take their IDs converted to printed numbers to clueless security personnel to type into the system as a new card.
Lots of work I know. You’ll get a Christmas bonus.