Dad thinks RFID chip is the Mark of The Beast, and will lose it when he finds out I have one. Any advice?

dog spelt backwards is literally GOD how dare you say they arent made in god image



ave satanas bestie :crazy_face:


That was clearly the devil at work and in cahoots with Amal :imp: , you will notice that both you and I at least are exempt from such collusion :angel:


I donā€™t hate religiuos people.
I think the world would be better without religions, yes, and I definitely think that many religions do far more harm than good. Germany has some nice examples currently.
But hate? Nah, as long as they donā€™t get on my nerves, I have no trouble with religious people. :woman_shrugging:

Oh, and hate speech usually goes against a minority, discriminating people, not against one of the biggest institutions on earthā€¦ :wink:


I would draw a line between religion and spiritual practices.

Meditation doesnā€™t usually do harm, prayer can be a form of meditation.

Ritual has a place in most peopleā€™s lives whether it is religious or not. The Japanese tea ceremony, the Javacrucian coffee ceremony, I might even suggest that going to the gym is a ritual for some people.

Fanaticism and extremism are what causes issues. A fanatical monotheist will insist (to the point of martyrdom or death to heretics) that they are right and anybody who doesnā€™t worship the blood red rockhopper penguin at Berlin Zoo should die.

When religion becomes dogmatic (and organized heirarchically) is when it causes issues.

(As a disclaimer I was raised in a congregational church in Scotland. Congregationalists believe in the priesthood of all believers, the church meeting is the ruling body and is open to all members to discuss, and make decisions. I might not believe the exact same things as you, but that doesnā€™t mean that I am right and you are wrong.)

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I feel I should address this too. Yes, this is true, but Hate is hate no matter who it is directed at, or from.


Totally agree - thatā€™s why Iā€™m strongly against religion, but not against faith.
Everyone can believe in whatever they like, whatever makes them feel good. But if things are getting organized, dogmatic and used to separate people (while uniting others, of course), itā€™s getting problematic - and at least for me, thatā€™s the difference between religion (as some kind of organization) and faith or spirituality.

Thatā€™s true, but to be honest - I just lacked the time to formulate my sentence a bit better, and Iā€™m still not sure if I can express what I meant.
Itā€™s justā€¦ if I would say, for example, neo-nazis are some stupid f* ing idiots, it might qualify as hate speech as wellā€¦ and yet, I would definitely say that. I do not hate those people (hate is usually just a big waste of energy), but I strongly disagree with their opinions and think they are stupid f*ing idiots.
The way I would use the term ā€œhate speechā€ is in situations where it is used to direct aggression against a group of people with the intention to do them harmā€¦ and while I am strongly against religion, I would never ever intend to do any harm to religious people. Or any other people, as long as nobody threatens me or my close ones.
Thatā€™s why I - personally - think the term ā€œhate speechā€ is inappropriate for the above discussions :woman_shrugging:


The Oxford English Dictionary defines Hate Speech as

abusive or threatening speech or writing that expresses prejudice against a particular group, especially on the basis of race, religion, or sexual orientation.

ā€œAbusive writing that expresses prejudice against a particular groupā€ is pretty broad, but I get what you are saying. I donā€™t think that the intention was there for it to be considered hate speech under most normal definitions.

Of course others might perceive it differently. :confounded:

If they do, then fuck them!!!

I HATE those people :rofl:


I asked them on FB - I never got a replyā€¦

so here some discussions with the fanatics - enjoy it
Some of them are also in german,ā€¦

If there is a god as crazy these people I donā€™t want anything to do with it in the afterlife.

I put a random 666 in my stored data just to avoid any confusion at judgement. If a god doesnā€™t lol at that then their heaven will be fairly lame in my opinion.

Might put a link to that Stephen Fry interview to be on the safe side.


I found an article about ā€œCarl Sandersā€ who allegedly invented the RFID chip that we will all be implanted withā€¦ The article is from 2002 and includes this nugget.

Carl Sanders, with a team of engineers behind him, with U.S. grant monies supplied by tax dollars, took on this project and designed a microchip that is powered by a lithium battery, rechargeable through the temperature changes in our skin.

There are some interesting articles dating back to 1994 detailing many lies by this so called ā€œinventor of the microchipā€. He lied about his qualifications, his military career, his meeting various people, and even about coming clean about all of his lies.

Iā€™m pretty sure heā€™s Harland Sanders :chicken: Brother , who was a Colonelā€¦:poultry_leg:
and invented 13 herbs and spices and chicken salted chips

I canā€™t back that up