Dad wants to install my first implant for me. Tips or videos to follow?

Finland - noon here. Almost time to pop open a beer :slight_smile:

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geez, that explains why I keep seeing you guys on in the middle of the night for me lol.
Speaking of which, it’s probably time for me to head to bed *5am

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Oh right, I almost forgot about this one, thanks!

Well, It is in the link I posted above…


Agree on all these points. Your dad should be fine, especially if he’s supervised (but note DT official stance is get a pro if possible, but you’ve made it clear it’s not really so), my recommendation is get very comfortable with all the videos provided. I splurged for the surgical marker on my first one, it’s good to triple check your location when you’re new to doing it. Learn sterile field technique, because the last thing you want is an infection. Seriously. Get sterile gloves if you can (I found all this gear on eBay, but your physician friend may be able to source). Sanitise your surfaces, the glove package can be a good field above your sanitised surface.

I’ve done this a few times, and it’s been easier each time. The first time I bled everywhere, wore a bandage for a week, and it was rather achy in the spot for a while. The second (a LF tag into the same spot as my first, a xNT) was quicker, easier and I did it on the kitchen table. The third, my xG3, was done myself because my assistants ran off to chuck, and was a 5 minute job (courtesy of pain numb cream).

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well, it was towards the bottom and I hadn’t clicked on all of the links yet…

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On a side note, I don’t know if it’s just me, but my body itself seem to have become completely unconcerned with implants: the first one was a major affair that took two weeks to stop looking worrying, with massive swelling, internal bleeding that went half-way up my arm and numbed my fingers enough that I felt the need to get checked out at the hospital (although the piercer made a mess and probably nicked a large vessel). The second one swelled up a bit for a week but nothing out of the ordinary. Then the following chips went in with barely any reaction at all. Only the one I did in my foot the other day bled a bit internally, but that resolved itself within a day.

It’s almost as if my body had realized there’s no point in panicking :slight_smile:

That means good news for the next one then: Apex.

(I know we are waiting for payment capability but I’m so excited about it!)

To be fair, my Apex Flex (beta) was in pretty rough shape for a week or two. It was poor technique due to being a new procedure.

What do you mean by that? Was your hand botched? Was the implant’s pocket too small? How did it resolve itself?

Hahaha, nah, it’s in my arm above the wrist a little. The piercer didn’t have the 4g needle to put it in, so used a 6g needle and a 4g taper… highly unpleasant. The normal half-moon from a needle was interrupted so it was a bitch to close, went through a few steristrips.

Yikes. Note to self: Get the proper tools

It’s in.
Haven’t taken that band-aid off yet to see how it is but it reads with my mom’s phone and the kbr1!


Well done @MTFT 's Dad



Oh, and @MTFT

tenor (25)



1 day after. I think the tip of the NExT is a bit close to the incision site but it doesn’t seem to be rejecting so it’s probably fine

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Congrats man! I’m so excited for you! Thoughts on how it went? I want to hear everything.

Sorry, was busy earlier.

Ok, you asked, here’s your wall of text.

Well, we went over to the house of my dad’s work friend that also happens to be the sports teams doctor.
We get Chick-fil-A on the way and they chat for a while when we get there.
After a bit we go to the kitchen table, she reads over the pro guide while dad goes to the bathroom and washes his hands (I also washed and we were all wearing masks because, well…)
We’ve delayed this a couple of times now so I’ve had plenty of time to think too much and get a little nervous so I kinda just look to the side as he does it with the doctor friend supervising.
As he goes in (after wiping my hand with the chlora prep wipes) it hurt about twice as bad as drawing blood, maybe like a really bad bee sting. Then it didn’t really feel like much at all once it was in.
I wish I looked at how far in he went because I’ve been paranoid that it’s currently sitting so close to the entry (a couple of millimeters if even).
He deposited and pulled out at the same time as per the instructions and I held the gauze for a bit.
I don’t think I held pressure long enough because the bandage had a fair amount of blood when I took it off later.
We then used a bandage she had around because we thought the one in the kit was WAY to big.
Loiter a bit longer and chat, go home read with moms phone, read with kbr1 (both read well and still do). Read later with xEM controller, also good. Next day (yesterday by now, it’s past midnight) bandage off, still reads fine, no swelling or anything. Later I somehow opened the wound again with a pillow and it started bleeding a tiny bit (don’t ask how, I don’t know) and put a new bandage on it. It’s felt more bruised when I touch it since then but I’ll leave it bandaged for tonight, shower in the morning, and cover it again for work. And report back after.