Dangerous Things xLED Implantable Field Detector KSEC

Not the best feedback, but something i’m sure @KaiCastledine would like to be aware of

Well that’s good feedback for us

@Chrisl @Zwack Sorry for the late reply, basically all piercing, including subdermal, falls under local bylaws and not national law.

The real difficulty is when implants blur the line between subdermal cosmetic piercing and “surgical procedure”.

The crux of the matter is that using a 4g needle to do an insert could be classed as a subdermal and so could fall under a local bylaws for piercing legislation but that depends on the wording of the bylaw and the local interpretation. In the end these piercers may lose their personal and shop license if they fall foul of this. The only national caveat is… BA DUM if you are registered health care professional. Then not only can you perform the procedure but you can do so without local council oversight except my local bylaw (Surrey) still suggests doing it on a registered premises.

I take the tack that if I, an experienced health care professional, didn’t help this person then they would likely either attempt the procedure itself or ask a less trained or experienced friend to do it for them resulting in harm. Harm reduction is at the core or medical ethics so I sleep very soundly at night…

Anyway, hope that helps and hope you have found a suitable installer.


Yea that helps thankyou for your time I have found someone I think if not had a few offers from people in this scene that could help
Localy not one person will help install it seems avery underground subject.

Thanks very much for the response… There is no such thing as late here.

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I’ve dropped Chris a message to find out more.

KSEC has standardised pricing so it’s the same for all of our Centers. So each installer should know, or can check on our site and documents they have the right price easily enough.

The installer not performing implants however is a mystery and the biggest concern. We’ve not had any requests for removal… wonder if a phone number is incorrect. Normally most requests via email were looped into automatically.


I’ve replied

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So investigation/outcome of the above was:

  1. Incorrect number for one installer - now updated
  2. misquote due to a miscommunication between implants/implant and installation. When what was needed was only the installation, which is a fix fee we set at KSEC.

We’re due to review our KSEC Cyborg center pages, information and installation services Q1 of this year. If anyone has anymore feedback please let us know at contact-us@ksec.co.uk