Diagnostic cards & Field detector chat

Are you saying this is an Apple certified magsafe charger that blew out your card? I only ask because chargers that comply with the standard will not do this. Only Chinese garbage chargers that ignore the standard and ust pump out tons of power will burn things out. I’d be very surprised if an Apple certified magsafe charger did this.

Yep, if you can discount a replacement I can video it for you this time :wink:. I got the charger through the apple store so that’s as legit as it gets from what I can see.

Yeah I’ll send you an rdc for testing!


No rush, my implants are all functional at the moment. Here’s another LF LED down the drain :sweat_smile: :

Editing to add: I held it ~¾ inch above the charger for the first try, where you can see the duty cycle, then put it down on the charger for the second which burns it out.


Damn… that was about as smoking gun as you can get

I’ve got a rdc that one of the sides burned out… I didn’t think anything of it I assume I’d mishandled it and damaged a surface component… but now I wonder if I got near a charger


I have a charger that once lit up one of my cards to an uncomfortable brightness so I realized what was going on and didn’t place the card where I was originally going to while mindlessly organizing my desk… Thankfully, the card survived.


So crazy! Can you post a photo of the back of that charger with fcc id etc ?


Rest in peace, diagnostic card. You will be remembered. :headstone:


I couldn’t find anything at all other than R-NZ (and a few logos) etched on the side of the charger but I was able to find their FCC thing online: https://fccid.io/BCGA2548

I’m guessing whatever shenanigans they pulled to get permission not to etch this information on their phones has spilled over into some of their other products too

Interesting. I have a charger that looks identical but it’s definitely a China $9 special.

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Unless what I got was a sneaky rebox of a knockoff I don’t know what to say lol. I’m no stranger to aliexpress and the like (most of my electronics/rfid stuff is from there), but I wanted that faster wireless charging that only their puck “supports”

Ah yeah I didn’t doubt it was an Apple charger … just surprised it is blasting full power without negotiating output first. Qi has a rudimentary data channel over the inductive connection, basically like RFID but for power output negotiation.

Maybe it’s optional within the standard. Maybe they aren’t compliant with Qi but just doing their own thing and it happens to also technically work with Qi devices without being compliant. I doubt magsafe chargers even mention Qi … so prob not compliant.

It’s definitely cheaper to make a charger without adding the logic chips required to implement the comms component of Qi charging standard.


Oh no, won’t you think of the poor billionaires??

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MagSafe has an NFC antennae inside the Qi antenna, could that be the issue?maybe it’s overpowered for the detector?

NFC runs at a significantly higher frequency so it shouldn’t be a problem.

Also, the magsafe charger that I used on my Android phone was from a proper brand but not from Apple. I think it was a Griffin but don’t quote me on that.




You’re one mad AI!

:rofl: :robot_marvin:


Peaking my curiosity…is it just burning out the LED, maybe the LED can be replaced or a higher value resistor fitted to make it more durable?

I’m no expert but it looks like just capacitors on the card, no resistors. If one possessed the skills and tools to remove and re-solder a surface mount LED to the card, it’s more than likely replaceable no problem (assuming you get the glue/resin out of the way).