Difference RFID and NFC, and what can I do with each one.

+1 to that!!!

Yes, I meant to get a couple of NFC stickers or cards with the NTAG216 ISO14443A writable tags. just so you can test if it will work for you.

Nao compre implantes via Ali!! Eu me referi a comprar fobs ou adesivos que tenham o mesmo tipo de chip. esses sao baratinhos e ai pode testar com um App gratis no telefone (NFC Tools)…
Assim tu tens certeza qual o implante que vai servir pra ti antes de encomendar

Can’t blame them. Being swindled by Brazilian customs is one of the (many) reasons I left.

You can see if Amal can ship you just the glass implant, without the injector.
Then you need to go to a Body Piercer to get installed using a piercer needle.

Note that in Brazil it isn’t every piercing shop that’s even equiped to do this procedure. There are basically 2 types of piercers in Brazil, and used to be somewhat of a rivalry on the industry…

There are the “American technique piercers” who use the needles we are talking about here. These are more common in specialized shops focused on piercings and body mod… which are very few. but this is what you want because of the type of needles they use.

And then there are the “British method piercers”, which are far more common, present in most Brazilian shops, usually alongside tattoo artists… This method uses catether needles instead and would not be fit for purpose to do an implant.

Trivia bit: he oldest Piercing parlor in Brazil (which closed a couple years ago) was renowned for bringing in the British Method into the country.

Se esta pensando em viajar pra trazer na mala, fala com o Amal para ver se ele te vende so o implante, esterelizado, sem o injetor. Assim pode trazer e passar na alfandega.

Dai vai precisar is num estudio de piercings. Procura um que seja bom com “body modification”, e quando for falar com o piercer, pergunta qual metodo que ele usa.

Existe o metodo britanico, que usa cateteres, e o metodo americano.
Para instalar um implante sem usar o injetor, tu vais precisar de um piercer que saiba usar o metodo americano, por conta do tipo de agulha que esse metodo usa, que vai facilitar a instalacao.

I could find somewhere, but I think, I’ll start a Portuguese category in the Global village

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Going offtopic. so new post to help when someone moves this out of here! :sweat_smile:

Oh… you SO underestimate the terribleness of Brazilian customs! :rofl: :sweat_smile: :thinking: :sob:

I don’t think that “being sharp” is the issue.
being “a new tech” is.

So… this is a story of one of the many kicks in the teeth I took from Brazilian government before I decided to leave there for good:

Let’s go back in time to before Oculus Rift was a thing, shall we?

VR was all the talk in magazines but there wasn’t anything out there yet.

Oculus had just announced it’s very first “Dev Kit”.

I had just begun my own coop games house a few months back and we decided to get our hands in one of those. We even lined up a gig with an Architecture company with it!

We paid, if I recall correctly, $91 for the headset, with shipping.

Oh, what a JOYFULL :unamused: surprise when it hit the customs… Instead of receiving the item, we got a letter telling us to go to a specific customs outpost (not the regular mail) to get an item sorted.

When we get there, we found out they were charging us over $900 for it! yes, 10 times more than what we paid!

Their excuse was around these lines:

  • “I saw in a magazine that the price of this item is at least $280” (Note that at the time the Oculus was not for sale anywhere. only a few Dev Kits… We chased the mentioned article and it was someone trying to guess the price they could charge when it was released. sheer speculation)

  • “so we are adjusting the valor to match that. And charging you a fine for lying to us about the price!”

  • We then showed them the receipts… their response was to threaten to increase the fine because they didn’t believe those were legitimate receipts since the price was so different (and it’s a common practice for shops selling to Brazil to send a fake invoice with lower price to try and avoid the customs)

  • “Then there’s that you didn’t declare this item as personal electronic games” (We declared that as a business expense, which was the case. we were using it for our company.), “so we are going to change that to the correct item, and also fine you for that”. Just to give you an idea, the tax band that they should be charging us was around 20%, the tax band they put us on was 70%.

Between taxes and fines, it went up to $900…
And we couldn’t even just send it back, because most of that were now classed as fines, not taxes, so we would have to pay anyway.
And we had a demo lined up that needed the headset, so it was time sensitive for us.

All of that because they decided to charge an arbitrary fake value and decided they didn’t like what we were using it for. and then added some random and arbitrary fines on top.

Ok, rant over…

And I obviously don’t think the same would apply to a DT product. but Brazilian customs is a lawless land.


Oh, that’s nice.

I did mention that mostly about my offtopic going towards “which American options we currently have towards payment services to be converted into implants”.

I feel like the Brazilian side of this thread isn’t that much of an offshoot from the original

don’t stress about it, we’re all experts at derailling and it works for us.

Even though yours wasn’t even a derail

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I can not find a fuck them emoji. It may be there, but nevertheless, fuck Brazilian customs.


Whaaaat you’re saying the random Chinese pet chips I got for like $0.75 aren’t the same quality as DT’s implants? This is outrageous!


Yeah right? It’s just a piece of glass and a piece of metal! What could go wrong :joy: