+1 to that!!!
Yes, I meant to get a couple of NFC stickers or cards with the NTAG216 ISO14443A writable tags. just so you can test if it will work for you.
Nao compre implantes via Ali!! Eu me referi a comprar fobs ou adesivos que tenham o mesmo tipo de chip. esses sao baratinhos e ai pode testar com um App gratis no telefone (NFC Tools)…
Assim tu tens certeza qual o implante que vai servir pra ti antes de encomendar
Can’t blame them. Being swindled by Brazilian customs is one of the (many) reasons I left.
You can see if Amal can ship you just the glass implant, without the injector.
Then you need to go to a Body Piercer to get installed using a piercer needle.
Note that in Brazil it isn’t every piercing shop that’s even equiped to do this procedure. There are basically 2 types of piercers in Brazil, and used to be somewhat of a rivalry on the industry…
There are the “American technique piercers” who use the needles we are talking about here. These are more common in specialized shops focused on piercings and body mod… which are very few. but this is what you want because of the type of needles they use.
And then there are the “British method piercers”, which are far more common, present in most Brazilian shops, usually alongside tattoo artists… This method uses catether needles instead and would not be fit for purpose to do an implant.
Trivia bit: he oldest Piercing parlor in Brazil (which closed a couple years ago) was renowned for bringing in the British Method into the country.
Se esta pensando em viajar pra trazer na mala, fala com o Amal para ver se ele te vende so o implante, esterelizado, sem o injetor. Assim pode trazer e passar na alfandega.
Dai vai precisar is num estudio de piercings. Procura um que seja bom com “body modification”, e quando for falar com o piercer, pergunta qual metodo que ele usa.
Existe o metodo britanico, que usa cateteres, e o metodo americano.
Para instalar um implante sem usar o injetor, tu vais precisar de um piercer que saiba usar o metodo americano, por conta do tipo de agulha que esse metodo usa, que vai facilitar a instalacao.