Documentary: Biohacking and Transhumanism

Hi everyone, I am a filmmaker based in London, England and I would love to speak to anyone involved within the biohacking space. I am looking at how access to biotech can help the healthcare system and how these changes to humans can impact society and our future.

Please let me know if you are interested in speaking to me or if you know anyone who I can speak to.


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Welcome to the forum!
I’d be happy to tell you about biomagnets and their use in haptics, AR and sensory substitution.

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Hi there,

That would be great! Is there any chance you could provide your email address? If not you can reach me here:


At the top :wink:

Magnet in my finger tells me not to touch things with many angry pixies.

Binky in my hand gives me dopamine.

Chip in my hand provides medical information if the first two aren’t enough.


This answer is gold.

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There are so many experienced people on this forum.
I’m a newbie in this space, so I’m just using my implants for simple data storage and sharing (like my contact information), password replacements on computers and websites, and ID card replacements for scanning into the secure areas at work, but there are so many more possibilities that I’m learning about. It’s an amazing world!


You need people with a BeUno implanted :innocent:.
Check out Walletmed as well.

Would you be happy to speak over a video call regarding this?

sure, shoot me a DM

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