Drone signal jammers defeated

Can someone please tell me how I could use my cell phone to create a fake drone signal so that my real drone can get past a drone signal jammer? Or is that even possible?

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Where are you trying to fly your drone that jammers are a serious concern?

Also, jammers are rarely targeted devices, you probably couldn’t just spoof a target to distract it from your real drone


Area 51 where else?
So your saying it’s not possible?

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I am saying that is probably not the way to go about defeating a jammer, yes


I’m not sure if this person will fit in the thread I’m thinking about or not
 Probably yes


Well please proceed with the correct way kind sir. The floor is all yours

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As I am unfamiliar with the jamming tech in use surrounding area 51, I am unable to comment on any specific methods that are likely to work for your specific scenario without more information

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Did not mean to delete. What I wrote is what is this?

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Well area 51 jams the signal between your drone and you controller. I would like to try to encrypt the messages between the Controller and drone to see if that could work and I am also interested in learning if I can set a drone to hone in on a cell phone and possibly use the cell tower instead of the radio frequencies. Any ideas? And besides Aoxhwjfoavdlhsvfpzha don’t you know curiosity killed the cat? Lol specifics are overrated my friend

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Come on man what are you trying to do here eh?

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Again, jammers usually do not specifically target a signal like the one between your drone and it’s controller, they’re much more broadcast-y, encryption would do nothing

Phone control drones do exist I believe, though I’d personally be sticking to regular 'ol radio

Honing in onto a phone would require some directional antennas, and way more testing than I’d personally be willing to do, but it’s probably possible


So no cell phone no sending out a jammer for the jammer. There’s got to be something. Come on guys that’s all you got?? I know nothing about this stuff and I’ve got at least a few ideas.
Is it area 51??
Ok fine we’re searching for blood diamonds off the cost of 
 They have a signal jammer how do I #1know if it’s there #2 get past it? All I want to do is get some food to my captured brother who’s been working the mines for 5 years. Can’t you help??
Come on

Signal jamming is illegal


Send up a drone, if it crashes survivors will move on to plan B

They haven’t fed him in 5 years??

My first suggestion is a modified t-shirt cannon to physically launch the food through in a more unguided manner. Or a trebuchet for style points

But if drones are the way you want to go, you’ll need to know more about their jamming system, you can either use a frequency that won’t be affected by the jammer to control your drone, or you can ass-blast more power than the jammer can effectively block and hope for the best

Neither are probably particularly easy

Perhaps a kite?

I’ll be expecting a percentage


Lol wow alright.

Well drone signal jammers are usually “interferometers” that broadcast a large spectrum of noisy signals that obscure the actual intentional signals someone wants to send to a drone. There specifically useful because even encrypted signals can’t make it through. If they’re point source they’re usually not very powerful because it would interfere with other electronics in the vicinity. Often they use directional antennas that are pointed at the target to deliver the most interference in a small area.

If they want to get the most effect for the least amount of transmission power then they’ll target a specific band that they know the rather devices use. In this case that would likely be around 915MHz or 2.4GHz. You won’t be able to find a drone that doesn’t operate on the just common bands though because of ISM regulations. You could make one, but that’s a lot of work.

Why don’t you consider another method for your supposed purpose, like air drops from a greater altitude?


let’s all be aware this is definitely a troll or a fed looking for someone to exposit information that we don’t have.

this is an implants forum not a drone forum. “that’s all you have” yeah that’s all we fucking have because it isn’t topical to what most of us specialise in. piss off elsewhere better yet go run into area 51 and free your captive brother


I’m pretty happy to spend my time wasting theirs whichever they are


Not in Africa on the blood diamond mine

Finally someone who knows their stuff. Very nice. And to answer your question unfortunately in addition to the jammer there is a restricted air space cap at 400 ft. But regardless I think I found the answer

Bingo Ladies and gentlemen we have a winner. Download maps into drone SD card and no longer any need for signal. AirData UAV