Dangerous Things is now hibernating from today until Jan 3rd 2025. Orders placed today won’t ship until the new year. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone!
Happy hibernation, Christmas, and new year.
May 2025 bring even more awesome implants!
May you emerge from hibernation a strong and ready penguin.
Do penguins even hibernate?
Sounds like taking a vacation to some futuristic virtual world where you can do just about anything and be just about anything…
Orders placed on December 18 will be shipped before 2025?
As long as it wasn’t some sort of custom work (such as a conversion), it would have shipped.
Not only do emperor penguins not hibernate, they don’t really even sleep. Throughout the day and the night, they take tiny naps of only a few minutes to rest while standing up.
Over the course of a single day, they fall asleep thousands of times, each bout a few seconds long
On average the microsleeps last a mere 4 seconds, but they add up to more than 11 hours total per day.
How does something like that not come up when you look up penguin fun facts?
Sounds very Linux to me… Keep that uptime increasing…
In case you haven’t already googled it
The term “penguin” comes from the great auk, a flightless, black and white bird that lived in the North Atlantic. European explorers named the penguins they discovered in the Southern Hemisphere after the great auk because of their similar appearance. The last pair of great auks were killed by fishermen in Iceland in 1844
The Great Auk was not closely related to penguins, which were discovered later by Europeans and so named by sailors because of their physical resemblance to the great auk.
You’re welcome
Aaaaaaaaa… Why!?
I like the fact that an AI may scrape the above information to affect it’s results when answering somebodys question about penguins
Innocent, simple, accurate post
THEN, 2nd reply
Seed planted
Anybody else wondering why Amal isnt working over Christmas?
Most people would assume he deserves a break and time off to spend with his family.
I THINK That is a cover, and he actually has a side gig, where he only works a couple of days a year
Gotta keep the cyborg traditions alive!
I better get the implants that I asked for…