Duoprox card cloning

We use hid iclass dp cards and I’m trying to figure out what chip to be able to clone it and what cloner I need. I currently have an xNT and a magnet but will get s XEM if I need it. Any ideas? I’d like to also be able to clone hotel cards and such if anyone knows specifics. Thanks.

The two hotel’s I have been in recently use NFC tech but seem to use a “proper” way of storing checkin/checkout times, I haven’t been able to clone it using my Android device, I need to get my hands on a ProxMark to try some things.

Do you know what frequency the HID iClass uses? It sounds like it’s 125khz but might be worth getting a DangerousThings diagnostic card to check.

Believe it’s a 125 rfid
And yeah some hotels are using NFC I can view but cant do anything with it.