Em410x clone. Electra key

Hello. Trying to clone Electra key to t5577. Firmware is latest. Everything seems to be ok, but clone doesn’t work. I tried to set a password to clone but it also didn’t help. Any ideas ?

pm3 → lf search

[=] NOTE: some demods output possible binary
[=] if it finds something that looks like a tag
[=] False Positives ARE possible
[=] Checking for known tags…
[+] EM 410x Short ID found on a 128b frame
[+] Data after ID: 7C700000000
[+] Possibly an Electra (RO), 0x7C7 = 1991
[+] Short ID details:
[+] EM 410x ID 03E8A955A1
[+] EM410x ( RF/64 )
[=] -------- Possible de-scramble patterns ---------
[+] Unique TAG ID : C01795AA85
[=] HoneyWell IdentKey
[+] DEZ 8 : 11097505
[+] DEZ 10 : 3903411617
[+] DEZ 5.5 : 59561.21921
[+] DEZ 3.5A : 003.21921
[+] DEZ 3.5B : 232.21921
[+] DEZ 3.5C : 169.21921
[+] DEZ 14/IK2 : 00016788313505
[+] DEZ 15/IK3 : 000825029405317
[+] DEZ 20/ZK : 12000107090510100805
[+] Other : 21921_169_11097505
[+] Pattern Paxton : 62755745 [0x3BD93A1]
[+] Pattern 1 : 3590663 [0x36CA07]
[+] Pattern Sebury : 21921 41 2708897 [0x55A1 0x29 0x2955A1]
[+] VD / ID : 003 / 3903411617
[=] ------------------------------------------------

[+] Valid EM410x ID found!

[=] Couldn’t identify a chipset

How did you attempt the clone? What command did you use?

Lf search
Lf em 410x clone --id 03E8A955A1

I think this might be the problem. If you are using the EM clone process, I don’t think it’s capturing the rest of the data… I think the line where it says “data after ID” is also required. By using the EM clone process I think you are missing that extra data.

At this point you may have to try using the LF T5 commands to write the extra data as a block write command. I’m mobile at the moment and I don’t know the commands by heart, but I think this is the issue.

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