ESP32-Wrover Homekit LED


i can’t get wi-fi to work on the ESP32-WROVER-DEV with Homespan

when i use the “W” comment it gives me “WiFi Setup - Scanning for Networks…”

but nothing after, ik wifi works cuz i set it up in station mode

also a little confused on how to set the status LEDs

“Working LED code”


// //
// HomeSpan: A HomeKit implementation for the ESP32 //
// ------------------------------------------------ //
// //
// Example 5: Two working on/off LEDs based on the //
// LightBulb Service //
// //

#include “HomeSpan.h”
#include “DEV_LED.h” // NEW! Include this new file, DEV_LED.h, which will be fully explained below

void setup() {

// First light! Control an LED from HomeKit!

// Example 5 expands on Example 2 by adding in the code needed to actually control LEDs connected to the ESP32 from HomeKit.
// In Example 2 we built out all the functionality to create a “Tile” Acessories inside HomeKit that displayed an on/off light, but
// these control did not actually operate anything on the ESP32. To operate actual devices HomeSpan needs to be programmed to
// respond to “update” requests from HomeKit by performing some form of operation.

// Though HomeKit itself sends “update” requests to individual Characteristics, this is not intuitive and leads to complex coding requirements
// when a Service has more than one Characteristic, such as both “On” and “Brightness.” To make this MUCH easier for the user, HomeSpan
// uses a framework in which Services are updated instead of individual Characteristics. It does so by calling the update() method of
// each Service with flags indicating all the Characteristics in that Service that HomeKit requested to update. The user simply
// implements code to perform the actual operation, and returns either true or false if the update was successful. HomeSpan takes care of all
// the underlying nuts and bolts.

// Every Service defined in HomeKit, such as Service:LightBulb and Service:Fan (and even Service::AccessoryInformation) implements an update()
// method that, as a default, does nothing but returns a value of true. To actually operate real devices you need to over-ride this default update()
// method with your own code. The easiest way to do this is by creating a DERIVED class based on one of the built-in HomeSpan Services.
// Within this derived class you can perform initial set-up routines (if needed), over-ride the update() method with your own code, and even create
// any other methods or class-specific variables you need to fully operate complex devices. Most importantly, the derived class can take arguments
// so that you can make them more generic, re-use them multiple times (as will be seen below), and convert them to standalone modules (also shown below).

// All of the HomeKit Services implemented by HomeSpan can be found in the Services.h file. Any can be used as the parent for a derived Service.

// We begin by repeating nearly the same code from Example 2, but with a few key changes. For ease of reading, all prior comments have been removed
// from lines that simply repeat Example 2, and new comments have been added to explictly show the new code.


homeSpan.begin(Category::Lighting,“HomeSpan LED”);

new SpanAccessory();

new Service::AccessoryInformation(); 
  new Characteristic::Identify();                

// In Example 2 we instantiated a LightBulb Service and its “On” Characteristic here. We are now going to replace these two lines (by commenting them out)…

// new Service::LightBulb();
// new Characteristic::On();

// …with a single new line instantiating a new class we will call DEV_LED():

new DEV_LED(18);        // this instantiates a new LED Service.  Where is this defined?  What happpened to Characteristic::On?  Keep reading...

// The full definition and code for DEV_LED is implemented in a separate file called “DEV_LED.h” that is specified using the #include at the top of this program.
// The prefix DEV_ is not required but it’s a helpful convention when naming all your device-specific Services. Note that DEV_LED will include all the required
// Characterictics of the Service, so you DO NOT have to separately instantiate Characteristic::On — everything HomeSpan needs for DEV_LED should be implemented
// in DEV_LED itself (though it’s not all that much). Finally, note that we created DEV_LED to take a single integer argument. If you guessed this is
// the number of the Pin to which you have attached an LED, you’d be right. See DEV_LED.h for a complete explanation of how it works.

new SpanAccessory();

new Service::AccessoryInformation();    
  new Characteristic::Identify();                       

// new Service::LightBulb(); // Same as above, this line is deleted…
// new Characteristic::On(); // This line is also deleted…

new DEV_LED(19);                                  // ...and replaced with a single line that instantiates a second DEV_LED Service on Pin 17

} // end of setup()


void loop(){


} // end of loop()




struct DEV_LED : Service::LightBulb { // First we create a derived class from the HomeSpan LightBulb Service

int ledPin; // this variable stores the pin number defined for this LED
SpanCharacteristic *power; // here we create a generic pointer to a SpanCharacteristic named “power” that we will use below

// Next we define the constructor for DEV_LED. Note that it takes one argument, ledPin,
// which specifies the pin to which the LED is attached.

DEV_LED(int ledPin) : Service::LightBulb(){

power=new Characteristic::On();                 // this is where we create the On Characterstic we had previously defined in setup().  Save this in the pointer created above, for use below
this->ledPin=ledPin;                            // don't forget to store ledPin...
pinMode(ledPin,OUTPUT);                         // ...and set the mode for ledPin to be an OUTPUT (standard Arduino function)

} // end constructor

// Finally, we over-ride the default update() method with instructions that actually turn on/off the LED. Note update() returns type boolean

boolean update(){

digitalWrite(ledPin,power->getNewVal());        // use a standard Arduino function to turn on/off ledPin based on the return of a call to power->getNewVal() (see below for more info)

return(true);                                   // return true to indicate the update was successful (otherwise create code to return false if some reason you could not turn on the LED)

} // update
