Fido2 Installation on Flex fails

Correct, on my profile here on DT i have a discount code linked that has a blanket discount on my entire store on tindie. even if it isnt DT related.


DT Club members get special treatment. If you want to exchange, reply to your order email and we’ll sort it out.

As much as I love the idea of the Mega I gave it some thought and I think that the Mega is just too big to be comfortable on the wrist and I would prefer to keep my flex implants there for the time being.
Thank you for the offer!

and a 22pf capacitor

I think I will try that out when I have time to breathe again, thanks!

NB: You might get lucky with the tuning, or you may need a VNA., which makes it mor expensive than just buying a #HammyResonantRepeaterJammy™

I was kinda considering getting a NanoVNA anyway so… lol

Thank you for the offer @Hamspiced, I will try the DIY option before bothering you with anything tho.

I remember sending the logs on the forum somewhere but do not see it here… Weird.
Will look for those and send them your way.
iPhone is currently completely dead and won’t turn on for a while so I will send the iOS version alongiside a link to the logs.

Also sorry for completely disappearing like that and reappearing later. Life gets in the way lol
I sadly have the implanter ready and even enthusiastic about implanting all this stuff into me, but it is still all in a box and in their sterile bags because I do not want to implant something that I cannot really use.

What is sad is I just got a swimming pool pass that I cloned into a 5577, so I would have had a use if I implanted that one at least lol… Now I’m tempted to just implant the syringe one into me right now to weird out people at the pool.

Hmm. I just received my Apex Flex and I’m having the same issue on my Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra. I can connect the Fidesmo Links but not FIDO Security.

The OTP seems to instantly fail as well. The app doesn’t even give me time to scan the implant like the Fidesmo Links App does, both just instantly fail. Is that normal?

Update: tried installing all apps. I could only connect to Fidesmo Links, and BoB Nordic Public Transit. All others fail. And BoB doesn’t give me the option to destroy.

The FIDO applet is large and requires multiple rounds of communication exchanges between the phone and the chip. It took me multiple attempts to get it to install.

I would also install the FIDO applet before you install anything else to rule out a storage issue.

Is your Apex implanted yet or are you trying to install applets on it through the packaging? I had very poor luck using my Samsung S23 Ultra to add applets to my Apex while it was still in the the plastic. The only way I even got close was to set my phone face down, place the plastic bag with the Apex in on top of it with the chip in a mostly vertical orientation on the back lower portion of the phone, then use some paper to lightly apply pressure to the back of the bag. I would then have the phone hanging slightly off the edge of the desk so I could tap the start button.

Also, I’ve experienced some weirdness with NFC on the S23. It seems that having a bad/failed read will sometimes stop NFC from operating until you close the app and/or stop and start NFC again. I’ve experienced this with both the Apex Manager app and the Yubikey app. My process now is that after every failed applet install I go to settings and turn NFC off and back on before trying again.

It is much easier to install applets into the chip using a USB reader and a PC. Another forum member recommended the ACS ACR1252U reader and it works very well. You can use Fidesmo’s fdsm tool to install applets from a computer. I’ve only used it on Windows, but I believe it will work on Mac and Linux as well

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@GrimEcho beat my post by 1 minute.

I just read it, and there’s some great advice in there.

anyway, here’s some bread crumbs

just received and still in the packaging, or Is it under the skin?

Any further updates from 3 hrs ago?
Still the same issues?

Did you try a manual deploy/ destroy?

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Through the package.

I got the acr1252u. Wasn’t getting the best of reads with it, but now that I have the fdsm tool link, I’ll try that tomorrow.

Yeah, same issue. Phone is vibrating, so I know it’s reading it.

Manual destroy worked, Thanks!

Tried the manual install_fido2, but got an error service was not found. Changed service ID to just “install” and the correct app came up (maybe want to confirm with someone smarter, and update it on that part of the forum for future reference lol). But unfortunately still a no go. I’ll try the 1252 tomorrow at work.

Heading to bed lol, might hit the gym in morning before work.

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If you are running on Windows, you have to be in an administrative command prompt to install the FIDO2 applet (the others seemed to install fine with a normal command prompt).

.\fdsm.exe --verbose --run cc68e88c/install
.\fdsm.exe --verbose --run cc68e88c/destroy

I only learned this after posting a few days ago, which is why I ended up making a bunch of attempts to install the applet using my phone.

I made a mistake in my earlier reply. I’ve been having the most success on my S23 Ultra by placing the chip horizontally on the phone, not vertically.



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Just to confirm, you launched the cmd window using “Run as administrator”?

Oh also what does apex manager say you have for free space… assuming you have free memory app loaded.


Unfortunately, that won’t install either.

Odd, I’m getting similar behavior now. I’ve tried installed several applets via fdsm and they all are immediately failing.

Also, when I try and install/connect a service using the Fidesmo Android app, I get a failed message even before I tap the chip to the phone. I think something is going on with Fidesmo’s servers right now.

For reproducibility –

  1. Close Fidesmo app and open it again
  2. Tap Apex to phone
  3. See list of installed applets.
  4. Connect a service
  5. Pick anything (I selected VivoKey SmartPGP), tap connect
  6. Watch debug output (downloads cap file from server) - now on the install screen
  7. Tap “Confim” without chip being anywhere near phone
  8. Status briefly says “please wait”, then I immediately get a “Failed” message.

It fails right where it should normally say “Connect – Put the wearable against the back of the phone and hold on…”.

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Thanks for bringing this up. Applet deployment seems to be broken in general, I see errors on my test devices as well. I think this is a Fidesmo issue. I will investigate tonight.

Update: Its a problem on Fidesmos servers. We are working with them to resolve the issue.


Thanks for the update!

I swear I didn’t brake it :laughing:


The issue has been resolved, app installation should work again. If you still encounter issues, please let me know.


All good in da hood! Successful via the app. Much appreciated.

I’ll play around with the FIDO2 after lunch