Finally able to write on my xSIID!

What else can I do with it? Currently have my NFC set to open my insta


I have mine programmed to do certain actions when scanned on my Mac. It reads the uuid, of it matches the action set it performs certain tasks. In my case it opens my desktop authentication app and copies the 2fa key to the clipboard.


Yay! My NExT’s HF UID is my password for my work domain. I use it multiple times a day. It also stores a link to my link tree with all my contact info.
My xSIID’s UID is being used as a password for some personal accounts, and the storage of that one belongs to my partner who hides secret messages in it for me. We are ridiculously cute.
I can’t wait to get my next xSIID in R P1. Maybe this weekend!

Congratulations on your upgrade! I’m sure you’ll find lots of cool things to do with it.



Ditto here, when it comes to my partner’s secret messages in my NExT! It’s always nice to go back to read the one from a few days ago, just for it to read something new they snuck in the night before.


Aww! That’s so cool! It’s really good to hear that there are other hopelessly romantic cyborgs (and cyborg-lovers) out there.

goes to read her xSIID now…