Fingertip Titan in an MRI

It’s doing us all a science! Thank you!


Very, very cool. There goes my last excuse for not getting a magnet.

The people that voluntarily do the things that the common knowledge recommends against (and provide some data on their experience) are the ones that push things forward.


I’ve talked with an MRI technician/implantee and he mentioned that the risk isn’t really the magnets moving/ripping the skin but them distorting the image which renders the hole process useless. He sent me an image of metal implants on an MRI to illustrate [edit: turns out not to be an MRI, the idea is the same though].
You can see the artefacts on there due to the metal in the scanned area.


That image is a really excellent share! This is why I removed my tragus magnet before the procedure. Even if I could have been safe, and somehow got it past the tech, it still would have ruined the results of a head MRI.


What’s a tragus magnet?

A magnet in your tragus. The little flap inside your ear is the tragus. It’s done to make what’s basically an in head speaker.

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I see. Thanks.

Just a clarification, I showed your picture to a nurse friend to talk about my session and he said:

“That’s a maxillofacial image with metal tooth fillings, and I think its a CT scan instead of an MRI”

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I don’t see why metal would deteriorate an xRay image that bad whereas it makes sense for magnetic fields :thinking: then again I can’t guarantee the source of the image, it was just sent to me so … maybe?

With a quick search I found this Artifacts in computer tomography imaging: how it can really affect diagnostic image quality and confuse clinical diagnosis? | Extrica - Publisher of International Research Journals which supports the CT scan option so you’re probably right about the image. The point about magnets distorting mri imagery still stands though and now I’m curious to find an example of that

Probably because the X-ray itself is relatively low energy as to not fry your brains and the tooth fillings are very dense metal as to not degrade when chewing.

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Here’s some images from my MRI just for funsies.



These should be pretty good evidence with the date/timestamp


Mythbusters showed what it looks like with metal (LF tag from verichip) in a pig. It kind of just creates a smidge like aboration around the object

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I’ve heard of people translating a mri scan into a stl and 3D printing their own brain…

I would totally do that

Also, I would be endlessly amused to print an exact scan on my skull in a 1:1



Yes… because who wouldn’t want to look at their own skull?

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I guess I’m ok with looking at it in a mirror with the nice fleshy bits still on :slight_smile:


See that’s less fun, I know what my face looks like…

Being able to HOLD a part of you that is intrinsic to your identity (facial structure) but is always hidden

Like on some level, I just accept that I have a skull
I can feel it, I can see other skulls… but I never get to really examine MINE

I want to see if there are scars or divots from various injuries… I want to see if my external life has left a telltale mark on my “internal life”


As long as you don’t try to cut someone else’s face off and sew it to your skull print just to see what face-off the movie might look like in real life… I guess that’s cool :slight_smile:


Thank you for taking one for the team here @Satur9! With your new knowledge, would you say it’s safe to get an MRI with an x63v1 implanted in the fingertips? I have a NeXT and and xLED in my left hand and was totally fine during an MRI last week. Hearing that you can use something as strong as the Titan and be fine me me think my chronic ill ass can finally get a finger magnet.