First attempts at emulating an access card

I am currently using a parking garage with a keycard.
This is what Flipper tells me about it:

And this is what TagInfo on iPhone tells me:

Once saved, the Flipper emulates it and when it does it displays the message “Emulating NFC V”.
I currently have an NTAG 216 and an xMagic implanted.

Can the Magic side of the xMagic emulate this type of chip?

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Unfortunately no twice, NFC Type V cards use a different standard than the Magic Mifare chip (ISO 15693 vs the ISO 14443A in your xMagic according to this link)

This isn’t necessarily the end of the world when it comes to cloning a card to an implant, as many systems are set up to simply use the UID and none of the extra stuff chips can actually do. However, even if that’s the case here, the xMagic has the wrong number of UID bytes for this card, and it couldn’t be cloned anyways


Thank you. Presumably I could use an xSLX NFC chip if this access were important enough to me.

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I just read my social security/health service cards. Would they be easy to copy to my chips?

xSLX chip UID is not changeable. Just bare that in mind.


Right so it would only work if the operators of the system agreed to validate it and not as a way of cloning the card I already have. Got it.


you would certainly need to have it enrolled as you’re unlikely to get the data off the chip

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How about the social security cards in the second image. Clonable?

The UID is at least the correct size, but I would hope something like that would use more complex verification methods.

Unfortunately “Unknown ISO tag” doesn’t sound like it’s going to lead to a wealth of information, so you’d likely need to do more exploration to figure out if full card emulation was possible. Though, this is probably something you would consider sensitive, so I wouldn’t be posting more detailed scans myself.

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Thank you. I had already thought about the sensitive nature of the info and the image above has been photoshopped with different UIDs. :wink:

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uid correct size? that isn’t a thing

ATQA and SAK suggest some form of smartcard (read: javacard) but the flippers lack of ability to get any more information from it leaves it very open ended as to what (if anything) you can do with this card.

as a generalisation and the context of it being social security my guess would be a quite heavily fortified smartcard with enough security features to keep away the hackers.

Can you elaborate on this? It’s my understanding you can’t clone a 4 byte uid card to a 7 byte uid implant or vice versa

ah you mean right size if you were to try and write it i thought you were trying to guess chipset and were remarking on the size of th UID being right, which isn’t a thing ~ my apologies haha i was extremely jet lagged

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