flexEM Stock Update

During the meetup we experienced a sudden high interest in the this amazing little disc to the point where we were out of stock for a bit. It’s back. :slight_smile: If you want a t5577 with range to spare, you should take a look at this guy. I’ve had mine installed for 3.5 years, have put it through the ringer, and it just keeps on trucking. :fire:


Got mine a couple months ago. The performance is amazing!

+1 for the little disc.


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Re: putting it through the ringer

I bashed the heck out of my arm while working on my car some years back. No issues with the implant but it left a reminder :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I’m gonna lose it

Fixed <3


Nice! Ordered mine last night. Would have been nice to have it installed at the meetup but oh well.
I still need to decide on the best place for it. In my hand would be ideal for reading, but I’ve seen some circular implants in the hand that a very pronounced. I want mine to be nearly invisible like the rest of my implants.


Thanks again for allowing me to take it, really appreciate it.

I also wanted mine on my hand but @amal was really against it, too many tendons. We opted for placing it on my right wrist, and it’s been more ergonomic than I thought it would be


That makes sense. I was thinking about my wrist, but I think I might put a CoM conversion there.


CoM is 13.56mhz so if you can fit two it wouldn’t interfere. Or one on each wrist provided you don’t wear watches

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I do wear a watch on my right wrist. And I’m trying to keep everything in my non-dominant hand (left hand). I have my NExT in P0 on my right hand and I want to get it removed once I install the FlexEM

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