FlexNExT not reading - Excess liquid above it?

And before I read the rest, I thought “Amal gunning for president?”

Now that and a few amendments to the constitution, - some chip requirements amongst citizens etc, and we’d be well on our way to a cyberpunk future :grin:

It’s worse than that: each time I get stomach flu, I can’t help but think that it’s happened because I got someone else’s faeces into my mouth. It’s the fuckers who can’t be bothered to wash hands coming out of the bathroom I’d jolly well like to decapitate with a dull razor blade.

Thankfully, it doesn’t happen all that often, because I have two weapons at my disposal:

  • I’ve made it a habit never to touch my mouth unless I’ve washed hands just before.
  • I vape electronic cigarettes with a bare copper body. Copper is antibacterial. Just by handling that thing all day long, I kill a fair amount of germs on my left hand.
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Oh man, you got nothing going on unless you match Vermin Supreme’s electoral promise: free pony for every American!


As I understood, Vermin tried to get elected, bribing them with ponies…

Amal is going full dictatorship, slashing his way to the top, slaying anyone who dare oppose him. He doesn’t need to bribe anyone? - He has an army of cyborgs!

I shuddered reading that, because you could replace “Amal” with “Trump” and that sentence still holds true.

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Do you actually have a broadsword? :thinking:

Ah, MRSA. I’m glad you are doing well now, because that bacterial infection could have been really bad. You just got unlucky. Now the only mystery that remains is how the hell it got to the pocket 4 months after implantation :sweat_smile:

Didn’t he get booted of Twitter recently? What do you think about that, @anon3825968? I’m curious about your opinion, since you were always very pro free-speech from what I’ve seen

Derail over

Firstly, I’m ultra pro-free speech, but free speech doesn’t cover calls to violence. This is a different matter altogether.

Secondly, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and all the others are private concerns. There ain’t no free speech on their networks, only what their TOS says goes.

And that’s what grinds my gears: they generously excluded Trump from the TOS that normally applies to all the other schmucks that patronize those social media networks, officially because he was POTUS - in reality, because Trump was a cash cow that boosted traffic.

And then, at the 11th hour, when Trump is almost out of office, and has lost support from almost all his political allies, suddenly social media finds the “courage” to drop the guy and cancel him.

If soclai media companies were principled, they’d stick to one of “POTUS are exempt from the TOS”, or “The TOS applies to everybody, including POTUS” poIicies, regardless of who is POTUS, how long they have left in office, and regardless of their antics.

But I’ll tell you what this reminds me of: all the Nazi collaborators in Europe who discovered patriotism and joined the resistance in the closing weeks of the war. This is disgusting. Social media companies are a filthy bunch of profiteers trying to get on the good side of whatever administration happens to be in power.

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Gladly, it was no “real” MRSA - it was only resistant against two antibiotics, all the others on the list (and obviously the ones they gave to me) were effective against it. But yeah, I’m happy it worked out well after all…

I guess we’ll never find out exactly what happened, but my doc said it is very likely that I injured the inside of my pocket somehow and some free-floating bacteria (that always happen to be in the body) just decided to settle there. As good an explanation as any other, I guess, but I’m okay with it. He said there was no way the implant or the installation process were “unclean”, so at least Amal and my artist are on the safe side of the story :wink:

Totally agree. I mean, I’m happy this idiot has lost one possible way to spread his hatred, but what about the tons of others who still do? This was just a media-effective thing to show that Twitter, Facebook and the like are the “good ones”. We all know they aren’t.

unnamed (64)

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Looks like you been to UK, then? :sweat_smile:

True story:

Patient calling the NHS line: “Hi, I’m calling because I have a toothache for 2 weeks now, wanted to book an appointment at a dentist”

NHS transfers to a GP (why the hell a GP when they need a dentist?)

GP: “Hi. You have tooth ache? take painkiller.” (I think I nailed the transcript of this sentence word by word here)

Patient: “well, I am taking it for 2 weeks already. I need to do something, see a dentist…?”

GP: “I can give you Antibiotic. Here, there are prescriptions for 3 different ones. read online and take one you want. I’m busy, bye”

GP hangs up…
Takes a good 5 minutes before me or my ex are actually able to even blink…

Problem is that the bacteria grows immune while living on other people who take antibiotics like water…
Scratch that, most people don’t drink water!.. “like Lager” sounds more appropriate…

Thats crazy like that doctor needs to loose there licence. Why were you sent to a gp not a dentist?

Despite me agreeing with you, I doubt how many GPs would survive such a “high standard” for professionalism…
Think that that is not the worst GP I found here, by far.
And Dentists aren’t that different either!

My dad has none of his fangs…
When his wisdom teeth were coming up, the dentists though it was a better Idea to pluck his fangs out to make room for his wisdom teeth. :woman_shrugging:

Don’t get me wrong… I do love so many things about UK…
But the health sector is definitely in the gutter…

When I lived in the UK, my neighbor fell off the roof and hurt his back. It took him 8 months to get an appointment for an X-ray, by which time 3 of his vertebrae had repaired themselves however well they could and had fused together. Yeah NHS…

The best medical care you can find in the UK is in France.

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I really love my GP, because he usually prescribes things like “go to bed and sleep a lot” or “drink some (insert helpful herb here) tea” or such, and he even told me once “well, I could prescribe you some stuff from the pharmacy, but that won’t help that much - getting some rest will be more helpful”. I was really lucky with that guy.

Now for dentists… I don’t trust them at all. Not a bit. I reallyreallyreally hate going there, I panic, and the stupid shit they do doesn’t really help to calm me down… like, doing a root canal treatment on a tooth without anaesthetics. I told them it hurt (like hell), but they insisted the tooth was dead, so it shouldn’t need to be numbed. Yeah, thanks. Then, they changed their strategy and just told me it would be over soon, simply because they were to lazy to inject some fuckin’ painkiller… argh.

But still - if you need a doc, you find one pretty soon here. That’s a big plus. It just depends on who you find :wink:

See ill disagree with people the NHS aint perfect by a long shot but ill take that over the US any day. I can walk into an AE and have an xray etc in an hour if need be. I have had a telephone consultation with my gp today that I requested yesterday and am picking up a prescription tonight (after a 5 minute check at the surgery later)


I’m happy with the UK health care since I pay for private.
FMSW! The difference…
Same with dentist. I am a client, not a patient.

Well yeah, but if you’re gonna set a bar that low to compare other countries’ health care systems to, I’d rather have a kick in the teeth also.

I’m here in Finland and I’m a well cared for, respected patient who gets top-notch health care and doesn’t pay a dime. I’m sorry, but the moment you start choosing between the two, it means the health care system in the country you live in is deficient.

I pay taxes for that privilege too, make no mistake. But I’m more than happy to do so. It’s very good value.

This sounds like a moot comparison.

the worst public healthcare system will always be better than no system at all. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I dealt with GPs from both private and public sectors…
Could not feel the difference yet. :woman_shrugging:

Sort of agree…
What I get for my money in the UK compares to the quality in Finland, and I do agree, that was amazing.
However, the Finnish system wasn’t for free. (For me.) I was charged for the service, but the company I worked for covered all the expenses. (except drugs) The fees are almost the same across both country. UK-FIN
In Helsinki my employer payed insurance for all the workers, that was about the same what I pay for myself in the UK annually.
£450 now or €400 a good decade ago, per year.

My experience

I need to mention that the 400€ per year is nothing compared to the healthcare they provide for that. I don’t know the KELA, never went. It was rather a private research center. I started with a consultation with my GP, I had my hot beverage, she offered me a full CT-scan, so I walked into another room, and they did it in a few minutes while my blood test was in the other lab…etc. Fully equipped labs, done in-house, no waiting, no nothing. Once you get the appointment they focus on you. The surgery is also a few doors away.

The difference is in the mindset. My boss gave a toss about me in Helsinki.
In the UK no-one gives a flying fucklington about each other. Money is involved everywhere but the distribution of responsibility differes.
I heard differences between capital vs north… don’t know.
The Finnish system is outstandingly GOOD in general. Even w/o insurance.
The UK NHS is just undefinably shit. You might(!) get quality if you pay. And that’s sad.