flexSecure Java Card Implant

Would it be streamlined to state that the flexSecure Java Card Implant is just a developer friendly version of the Apex? I haven’t seen anyone make PR’s or merge new applets to prod yet at GitHub - DangerousThings/flexsecure-applets: Collection of JavaCard applets for the FlexSecure, as well as build and testing scripts, and documentation.

flexSecure: SmartMX3 P71 chip at 7.5mm x 28mm contactless smart card
Apex: * 7.5mm x 28mm subdermal security key

Seems like the flexSecure is, from a functional perspective more performant bc substantially more application EEPROM…

Also, it doesn’t seem like VivoKey Apex Manager and Fidesmo are applets within @StarGate01 's github repo? If we could compile and run this or similar applets at flexSecure why would we need the Apex? Esp if Apex is limited on being maintained by the Vivokey team?

Please let me know if I should refine these questions…maybe they are naive

Hi, for a short summary of the similarities and differences between the Apex and the FlexSecure, and how Fidesmo ties into that, please refer to https://github.com/DangerousThings/flexsecure-applets/blob/master/docs/2-hardware.md , both platforms offer pros and cons.

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I think @StarGate01 answered you perfectly with

APEX is plug and play and relies on the Fidesmo Platform

FlexSecure implemetation of applets isn’t quite as simple as the APEX but it gives you full control over your implant.

Not one better than the other, just user preference