Help! Apex Ring cracked!

I was hiking with my son and wife and a black bear came upon us quite rapidly, I smacked my hands together above my head and shouted to scare the black bear away, he was unphased. Again I smacked my hands together above my head and yelled.

Thankfully I scared off the black bear, but when I looked down I had cut myself on the Apex Ring and the ceramic had cracked. I’m surprised this happened just from me clapping my hands together but nonetheless it appears the adhesive also failed? It was interesting to see how it was made. I always assumed it was cast into the ceramic instead of being a two part ring.

Any advice on how to a) salvage this? Or b) get another one?


Is this the first case of something from Dangerous Things fending off a Dangerous Thing ?

Edit: Noticed you have another ring on the other hand… Were they worn on opposite hands, and what’s the other one made of? Possible they smashed together maybe?




No that’s a backup ring I have for my Tesla keycard, it doesn’t do as many cool things. Put it on until I get my ApexRing replaced.


Thanks Pilgirm


Hi Mage,

I’m sorry to hear that happened! Both the bear encounter, and the ring breaking. I’m happy you came out if it unscathed except for the ring issue.

We’ll completely replace your ring for free. I’ll send you a forum message to set up the replacement for you.

It’s Sunday so I’ll get the code to you tomorrow or Tuesday.

As for the cut and it breaking, I’m sorry that happened. I can’t conclude exactly what caused it. There is a small rate of failure for rings after years of use, but it’s rare to hear one after a few months. If I were to guess what happened from the pictures, the ceramic had fractured from an impact and then maybe your clap finished the job, and the glue came off as the ceramic cracked so it came apart. Amal might be able to comment more or more accurately than me since I’m not an engineer.



Thank you so much Joe and Dangerous Things! You guys rock!!


No problem dude! I’m messaging you now.


Glad you are ok! And since you are being helped,
and curiosity has me, I need to derail and ask a question…are you Team Bear or Team Penguin?

Please join in the discussion with this first hand knowledge/experience :arrow_heading_down::