I used the same 10 Frequency Scanner you referred to for copying my entrance badge to my xEM. It will work just fine by reading the card you want to copy, aligning it to your implant, then hitting write. To get the right sweet spot for it you’ll want to remove the elastic on the back, and center your implant with the top line of where the card would normally sit, dead center in the middle of the device, with the tag running parallel to the sides. The only problem with using this Multi-Frequency scanner is that it’s been reported to add a password to the chip so that any time you want to re-write to your xEM you have to use that same style scanner, or input it via software.
I know this thread is a bit old, but if anyone finds this looking for info on cloners and the xEM, you should definitely refer to TomHarkness’ incredible thread for info about all the different 125khz cloners here :