How much voltage can the xMagic in my hand withstand?

I had a chance to play an arcade game where you gripped a couple of metal knobs and it shocked you. I didn’t do it because I didn’t want to risk damage to my implant. But I don’t know enough about electronics to know what the actual risk was.

This was the machine.

How much voltage can I safely shock myself with? Do I need to request local law enforcement use non-lethal rubber on me rather than tazers?

I’ll donate to your charity/patreon of choice if you point me in directions of resources for how I could calculate this on my own. Would that be reading data sheets plus doing some math to calculate the insulation offered by the width of the glass in the implant, the distance between the source and my implant, the conductivity of human flesh… Sounds like a lot. But maybe there’s a variable that overwhelms the others so you only actually need to consider one or two things?


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You are a giant bag of salty water. :slight_smile:


Quote from another topic not too long ago.


No u

Eh… it’s very difficult to calculate… many variables including the makeup of your tissue and blood at any given time.,and%201000%20kV%2Fcm).

The glass alone is very good at insulating. In short the voltage required would likely not be accessible outside special labs.

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Get out of my lab, goddammit!

Besides, you also need significant current to get that voltage across 12mm of flesh. And this implies that you’ll have enough energy flowing through your body to get killed by electrocution before zapping your implants.

And once again, get out of my lab! I hate having to clean up dead bodies after all…


well if you’d hurry up and actually reanimate them instead of just electrocuting them, we wouldn’t have this issue now would we?


They electrocute themselves! And it’s often too late when I get back to my lab… In my defense, I do have a high voltage warning sign on the door.


Maybe put up an authorized only sign Krieger…

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