:flipperzero_white: (HOW TO) - Flipper Zero - Password Capture

I took a video the other day month when I was at a hotel with the intention to write up a “how to” for a Flipper Zero.

It’s not finished, but I’m going to post it anyway…

Mifare UltraLight
PART ONE : Password Capture

a. I haven’t edited it
b. I haven’t formatted it
c. It’s only the first half ie. I haven’t written up the how to write to an implant (FlexUG4) (That’ll be Part Two)

Here are a bunch of Pictures and Videos…Hopefully in the correct order.
It should be easy to follow

Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick? The art of tl;dr. | by Brian Weisberg: Strategy and Innovation | Innovation + Strategy


just a note this only works for Ultralight 11, 21 and ntag21x versions

not UL-C/AES