So i have my implant 1 month took pre natal wound is healing pretty well the guy who dit the implant said dont gym for 3 months or dont go above 25 kg but i wanne gym so bad im loosing everything cant i rlly gym ??? what can happen
Has it healed up well?
I was doing stuff in the gym a week after I believe. If you have been healed up for a month, I would see no issue with it.
I would take it slow, and just be mindful of the implant when working out.
So i trained light weight and even just holding like a bar or dumbell the chip was under extreme pressure it was almost popping trough my skin its so weird to see um not confident about this tbh
Do you have pictures?
everybody is different.
Listen to your body, and wait…or if you “have to”, find an alternative. (whilst using light weights)
ie rather than an arm curl, try a hammer curl.
Rather than bench press, try a narrow grip or decline press.
Or even better, go light on upper body and focus on you legs.
Start off light
Find some alternatives.
Take your pre-natals
Make your matchstick splints ( if you are putting pressure on that, it should be taking the brunt, so you should get some warning you are pushing it too hard.)
Just wondering if you had an update here?!
I am very concerned about this too. Mostly what you describe about the implant (I have NExT) being under extreme pressure from holding a loaded bar, and potentially cracking or breaking.
I guess the three-month theory was to allow it to settle into the surrounding muscle and then it’s less of an issue?
But yes, I’m yet to inject and just really hoping for some more insight in this regard from another gym goer. Anything you could tell me would be enormously appreciated!
Thank you
You should be absolutely fine with any and all gym activity.
I think the example given is probably the result of unfortunate placement.
I think it would be highly unlikely that you will break your NExT.
I have had my NExT for many years, and not once have I come close to breaking it, and I go to the gym and smash my hands around on a daily basis.
This should help soothe your concern
Well, yeah, but personally it think this is VERY conservative.
The longer the better to allow it to settle in it’s forever home, but realistically, just take your prenatals, take it easy where possible, and a week should be long enough.
I have a pretty active lifestyle and a number of implants, I have never had an issue and never had a concern of a breakage.
I’m assuming you are looking to install in P0.
It is a good meaty spot and in my opinion a great position for a NExT
Let me know if there is anything specific you want to ask.
In short
I’m not in a position to promise you anything, but my guess would be, if you get a breakage, it will likely be replaced for free