I use modified proxmark3 software but I can only use fob from select vendor

Interesting business model.

From what saw, the iCopyX has/had the potential to be a really good device, I was excited to get one, but iCOPY fucked up!!! They lost me and I assume many more potential customers.

iCopyX shot themselves in the foot when they locked down their device to their proprietary cards.
They later opened this up to EU versions (I think), but not others, but even that was too little too late.
Again, still my opinion, but only some RFID fanboys got 'em, and now it’s only people that stumble on them that don’t know any better.
I still wouldn’t reccomend them, and would steer people away from them.

Most, if not all people here, are big proponents of open source.
With that business model that iCopy and you share, I can only really speak for myself, I’m out, but my guess is you already lost every other potential customer here.

To be clear,
I’m not critisizing, merely providing some constructive feedback for you to consider

This is still not open source but more palatable:-
Charge a little more for the device that gives them ease of use and a paid android app but, use THAT as the selling point and the justification for the higher price.

( Make sure you advertise you need the App and it also comes at a price, or include the app cost price in the Hardware purchase )

Don’t lock them to vendor card’s only, I think this will only serve to piss people off, also, don’t even consider a subscription model.

You might want to consider some well respected people in the community to send some to for endorsement, here’s a few for you to consider.
There are others, but a few to consider

Whatever path you choose, I wish you luck with your business