Iclass DP infomation

I have a HID iclass DP and am confused with the type of card it is. I can’t find much about what the DP next to the HID iclass designates. Because it is a iclass I believe it is 13.56mhz, but also heard that the DP means “duoprox” which makes me think it could be dual frequency. I tested with a “blue cloner” and got nothing for 125khz and tested on all of my iPhone apps and not a single thing popped up about it (not even a error). I also tested it as a NFC card in ios shortcuts which has never failed to acknowledge as 13.56 mhz card (even a credit card). So I am wondering what this card is all about. It l also has a SR Marker in the bottom right of the card that is “SE”. Cant find anything about this either. Any ideas? Thank you.

I mainly used this to see what this card was (or wasn’t): https://www.hidglobal.com/doclib/files/resource_files/an0109_a.2_credential_id_markings_application_note.pdf

so you might be in the market for a FlexClass


I just learnt this myself recently ( Thanks Amal )

Do you have a ProxMark3?

Thank you for the quick response!

From what I understand from the types of HID iClass cards post you sent me the SE tells us that it is both a HF and LF capable card right? I also read that it was UHF? I am a bit confused becuse It said

" High frequency and ultra-high frequency SIO-enabled credentials** . It has eight subtypes, each including specifications such as:

  • Possibility to upgrade from a 125KHz Proximity to iCLASS SE (13.56 MHz)"

A bit confusing if you ask me haha.

Yeah it is a good trick for quick testing, I wrote about it a bit earlier this year. iPhone NFC Shortcuts app

Also when I look up iClass SE the readers are the same looking as the ones my card uses. So that is a good sign I think. Also, I range on the card is good. About 5in I think.

Thank you!

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