I'm making a game alone and it's hard (but also great)

If any devs are interested in S&box (Gmod 2 kinda) here’s a key:


Pretty exclusive access at the moment. Redeemable on https://asset.party/

Very promising game platform and engine. I think it could someday compete with Unity and Godot to some degree, they plan to allow independent standalone releases on Steam in addition to on the S&box platform. They’re basically pioneering the Source 2 SDK. Currently a game contest happening:

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Thanks, I will check it out :pray:

Not anymore! Google finds it too sexually gratifying which I do take as a compliment :smirk:

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I’m back to work on Hooome believe it or not.
First things first I adjusted the scope. I removed everything multiplayer: what it brought to the gameplay wasn’t worth the extra complexity and time.
It feels like a big weight off my shoulders and I’m motivated to get this thing to a payable state again.


Patreons, you can try Hooome out right now!
I’m uploading dev-builds to the Patreon Shop and they’re free for all tiers >3$


I’m also uploading APK of my other published apps for those who dislike Google Play.

I plan on doing that with any relevant project so I reworked the tiers and rewards to reflect that and to remove everything PICO-related since they are not sold there anymore.


I just updated Achievements: Life! with a bunch of new ones and a few fixes.


Thank you. This is very nice and it truly means a lot to me, especially in these days.
Some time has passed since this post but I haven’t given up on hooome even though a lot of my time goes into biohacking-related apps.


Saw this, and thought this might have been how you (@Az_F ) felt early on developing your games

And a good reason to bump this thread for those not familair with it


Yup! The real scary part is when it works and you don’t know why :sweat_smile:

Since you unearthed this thread I moght as well give an update.
Hooome is in the usual limbo state. I intend to drop the multiplayer aspect and publish a beta sometime this year but no pressure.
I have no other full scale game in development currently because all my attention is on ZINC in which I’m making an NFC-based game and continually improving it (one update coming in January and one soon after).

My published games are still getting downloads although nothing crazy. Surprisingly the one with most growth is Achievements: life edition! Which is technically not even a game. This is because one of the achievements is to rate the app on the app store and people are just doing it which must be improving the referencing of the app :man_shrugging: go figure call to action is more important then gameplay

After Hooome I think I’m done with Google play. It’s an extremely saturated market, where the advertisement budget matters more than the product. And quite honestly seeing what kind of apps are now dominating the store is both depressing and discouraging. It’s like staring into humanity’s eyes and seeing tik tok videos.

I haven’t published on steam yet, might try that. It’s more fitting for the things I have in mind…


I refuse to pay for anything on google play. Hell, I run a de-googled phone. But if it shows up on steam you may just catch me dropping half of my wallet :wink:

(Side note, rip no ZINC for me)


I keep the updated APK on my Patreon store for exactly this scenario :wink:
You just won’t get automatic updates, you’ll have to know and re-download


Ooh, which level do I have to sub to?

It’s included in a couple levels (i need to check) but you can also one time purchase, patreon has a new “shop” feature for digital contnent:

These tiers include it:

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Oh sick! I may just get myself a new year’s present next month :wink:

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I guess when you get the apk you can’t buy or redeem in-app purchases… (Purely esthetic themes, meant for donations in this case but still).

It really is worthwhile.
From simply having a place to record the What, When and Where of your implants, to interacting with the world via Magnetic implants and everything inbetween.
Ive had it from early on and seen the progress and also where the future is heading.

It should be a part of every cyborgs EDC, along with a Flipper/Pm3, Apex Manager (if you have an Apex/FlexSecure) and a couple of other apps and…
Hmmm, I just had a thread idea


Considering I only have a NExT and an xMagic, I probably won’t get much out of it in the immediate future, but I’d like a magnet Soon™ and an Apex-family (FlexSecure, ApexFlex, maybe some sort of Apex3-roboticThumbEdition, etc) at some point, so it will eventually be useful.

Speaking of when and where, I need to find my exact install dates for my current upgrades… Lord help me.

You must have missed this part


If only there was a place you could save these :thinking:


Yeah yeah, I said I will! Give me a few weeks, I’m in the process of moving, and Hamspiced already took the rest of my 2024 borg-budget.

(Update, I am out another $11 lol @Az_F)


Ah I was wondering if that was you, welcome to the zinc lab! Look out for the update coming early next year😉