Impact of implant transplantation on adolescents

Great news! I got a call from vivokey japan on the line saying they will do the procedure with my parents’ consent. Now I’m going to be very, very persistent in convincing them.


Great news!
I had a hard time convincing mine to be ok with it too. My mom is a pediatrician and my dad was a nurse, so I was raised in a very medical household. They weren’t too thrilled with me “putting shit under my skin”! What eventually softened their stance was the opportunities that I have had through both biohacking as well as pursuing this through biomedical engineering in university. At this point they’re more supportive of it than I could have ever hoped for.
It might be worth it to talk to your parents about it in terms of career opportunities. Biotech/implants are probably going to be one of the next big fields to really take off. Tell them you’re Steve Jobs!!
Good luck either way!

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Thank for the shoutout, he did reach VivoKey Japan and we asked the doctor, the doc was ok to do it with parental consent, but seems he can’t come with his parents to give consent so there is no chance for a doctor to perform a surgery on a minor without the parents involved in person.

Respect to him for the research and knowledge and curiosity. Loved when he said, “our house is 10 years old and STILL uses NFC” (Oxo!) Almost feel like I was watching an episode of Black Mirror here.


Oh! Vivokey japan! I really appreciate that you tried to help me by giving me a good answer and translating it into Korean even though it’s late.
My parents’ arguments are “implants are for nerds” and “implants are the same as suicide”. …
However, we’ve gotten significant results that show that implantation is no problem even if you’re young!
Is it possible to have the procedure without parental permission from a young age?

I just use apex ring

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I can’t implant the apex flex, but I decided to implant the x-series chips this year! It’s like a pre-implant test to see how the chips affect me. I’m going to look for a Korean plastic surgeon.

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Haha, my Discord account of three years has been banned. I guess I’m old enough to have been caught violating the TOS.

Hi there, I’ve been looking for installers in my area for a long while too (been wanting an implant now for the past 3 years) in South Africa, if you look on the map, there are no official installers, but, there is a body mod shop (tattoo parlor) near me that says they do these and similar implants all the time. took me about 2 years to find this shop, mainly because i went to multiple tattoo shops asking there (doctors here refuse to do any implantation at all) and finally came across someone that had horn implants and they pointed me to this parlor. keep looking, you will find an installer, just have to hunt. sorry i cant help with any of your other questions. (also, age of consent for body mods in my country is 16 years, with guardian consent 18, without. younger than that is considered child abuse and wont be done. i dont know what the laws are like there)

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Nothing of value to add here but this seems like a cool kid! Good luck with everything.

Although I was already an adult and didn’t ask for permission I had the same experience. When biohacking became part of my job and studies my family accepted the implants much more easily.

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I’m also an adult and my family doesn’t know. I think that they would freak out but my mother could end up warming up to the idea of getting a NExT, she’s always loosing her keys…

Not really, a minor’s actions are completely responsibility of the parents in most countries.

If you mean “nerd” as someone who understands the technology and knows how to use it, yeah, even smart phones are for nerds.

Same as “suicide” that is very exaggerated, of course somewhat understandable if the person saying it has absolutely no idea of what this technology actually is. We hear all kinds of ideas all the time. Mostly conspiracy theories and religious fanatics from people who is not a “nerd” and thinks everything technological is evil magic.

X-Series is a good idea to get started.

But I think the most important is to explain to your parents what this technology is and how it works. You could start with NFC Stickers to run automations on your home. Or NFC Cards and show them simple to understand examples of what NFC technology actually is. The part of being under the skin is just convenience, but it can also be on a ring, bracelet, keychain, wallet, earrings, even nail stickers. Being under the skin just makes it much more convenient.