Implanting xNT and xLED next to each other-- time difference?

This would actually mean, it is a good chance that it is a Low frequency 125kHz card.
HOWEVER… before we count our :chicken: :chicken: :chicken: :chicken:
I looked up Siemens and there is conflicting information on frequencies.

I did find they definately use

ISO 15693, MIFARE classic (ISO 14443 A)

that’s how Siemens wrote it…

But I would have thought the TagInfo app would have read this…
Did you try holding the access card

  • On the back of phone
  • with NFC turned on
  • Screen turned on
  • Running TagInfo read
  • Moving slowly/ placing card on different orientations, particularly perpendicular to the NFC antenna ( google your make and model for NFC antenna) or check out this WIKI

I did find mention of 125kHz and EM4100, (which is compatible with LF side of NExT), but nothing concrete; more hearsay and conjecture which would make sense if
Siemens used to use 125kHz in their older tech, which you could be dealing with.

  • Next for you my friend, I would suggest you try the TagInfo steps above if you haven’t already.
  • Like @turbo2ltr said Let us know what City you are in, There might be somebody nearby that can help you out with a Proxmark.
  • Again agree with @turbo2ltr Start being friendly with the security staff (but not in a creepy stalker way)
  • Try and get you hands on a spare access card ( or “loose” yours get a replacement, and send your “lost” card to one of us for analysis)
  • make enquiries, as to what system is in use
  • If you were smart about it you could do both
  • “Oh Noooo I’ve lost my card, could I please get a replacement… sorry to be such a pain. NOW TELL ME EVERYTHING ABOUT HOW THIS SECURITY SYSTEM WORKS”
  • or a variation there of…

You could buy a Dangerous things RFID diagnostic card, but really if you were going to spend money on that, you might as well buy the NExT and get one for free included.

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