Implants, AI Cameras, and Security

First off, hello everyone this is my first post.

Now to the meat and potatoes. For the meat and potatoes I would like to give some general context. I am a trained anthropologist who focuses in the othering of people. In my research I have looked at all kinds of systems including medical and immigration systems. I am also heavily interested in the integration of engineering and other disciplines in the effort to create designs and systems that reduce human suffering.

This is where I have come to my research in AI and Implants. I have been looking at the journey of the technology of AI / computer ID since the late 2000’s and early 2010 with early camera dot tracking and sensor techs at the time. Now we have the progression of this technology to use AI systems, Lidar (in the case of things like FaceID especially), and other face marker technologies. This has been leading me to wondering about the effectiveness of AI systems and these technologies along with RFID in Implants or wearables as an alternative to Badges, Drivers Licenses, or other IDs. With the improvements in AI technology and Lidar technology I think it would be potentially viable. It could also be scaleable with tracking of a persons hand and a persons face as well as a persons Iris, fingerprint, or other biometric data.

I am wondering if this would be a viable solution to create secure payments, ID, and other things (assuming we could figure out a good solution for activation / deactivation for the chips and reprogramming). I of course see some serious potential flaws in this plan, namely that with using an implant, which is the fact that technology changes. There is also obviously heavy concerns of security and personal safe when it comes to these types of systems. I mean if there is a data breach of this data someone now has your face and potentially the chip data that was read.

I have been looking into it as a solution for a closed solution home security system (The AI would be located on a local server not connect to the internet or encrypted so that the information is not leaked) and the system would use the information you scan into the system as part of the access control to things like exterior doors, secure interior rooms, and safes or safe rooms. This system could including other additional metrics, besides the RFID and camera data / lidar camera data, to add additional security.

Of course this is all not new in terms of concepts relatively speaking, as spy films and action films have had technology like this shown for a long time where the user goes through a series of obstacles in order to get to the highly secure data (or whatever). So what I am wondering is what is the communities feelings on the progression of these technologies? How can we implement them in realistic and predictable ways? How could different types of implants be implemented in these systems to improve the way these systems improve personal and professional security? If the government implemented these kinds of changes of options, what would be the backlash? How do you implement these kinds of changes with the best results?

These are all the kinds of questions that I have been thinking about in designing a secure cabin in the woods (a project I might post here at some point or somewhere else) and when questions through my considerations of how people interact with the world around them as part of my continual understanding of the othering of people.

All this tech is already in use today. The high end stuff will only cost you tens of millions lol.

The only difference between an implant and current RFID access badges is the form factor and storage method.

The real question is, to what end? You don’t need million dollar AI face tracking in your cabin do you? Not sure any of this tech is going to “Reduce human suffering”

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@turbo2ltr is correct, it’s all in use (and has been for a while now) by public and private entities :+1:

As an example of this, when entering the US with global entry you just walk through, don’t show passport or id … don’t scan anything … don’t interact with any computer or personnel … The border agent says hello [your name] and point toward the exit …

Okay I see where I may have made some confusion. I have ADHD so I have a tendency to jam multiple thought process into one. The human suffering relates to identifications techniques in ID’s such as passport. One of the problems that can happen is that people have to leave home rapidly without identification in migratory situations, especially in countries such as El Salvador and many other high gang related countries. Individuals are unable to carry so a lot of times they have to go through immigration into places like Mexico illegally. The reason I am wondering is there a better solution. Obviously it will these systems are prohibitive to these unstable environments and would not be cost effective now but I was postulating that it could reduce human suffering. I however also think this has a large potential for it to go into big government kind of territory so the though process was me trying to think of if the technology was possible rather than if it was necessary; that and the impacts of these measures being implemented on society (what social impacts they might have).

As far as the security system, that was a separate thought process and was me thinking what if you used it in a private setting instead of a public setting. I really am designing a my most ideal home that includes what I think would be top of the line security system.

I thought that there was somewhere specific that used the technology. SO I AM NOT CRAZY. I love to travel, I don’t have a global entry pass though so have never used it. Interesting stuff. Would love to see it implemented in other realms of society but it does also get into big government and potential of big data breeches. Thanks for bring all this to my attention. I haven’t been in the engineering research phase of my life in a little bit so I am a bit rusty and I am not a trained engineer so I miss new technologies all the time.

The Apex line of implants are specifically designed for purposes like these. They can even store ePassports and other government issued paperwork as well as being basically a digital identity. The Apex Flex is even compatible with MasterCard and VISA payment systems(even if they don’t want to actually enroll the implants in their systems)

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have you ever accidentally a whole field?

i could see the concern with govt. officials scanning my implants against my will. So im kind of with you on that front. But in the same sense there is a level of knowing that would have to be apparant first. Do they know i have a chip, do they know the frequency, do they know sensitive information is on it.

Plausible but not Probable

That’s one of the things that spawned the thought. I already knew that before they starting using the AI cameras in identification technology they put RFID in the covers of Passports. When I was looking at the Apex implants I was thinking noticed the visa and master card disclaimer as well as various projects being done with the Apex and Java Card applet which made me think that you could use it in conjunction with the ID Camera Technologies that are out there. Did not realize the Apex line of implants also allow for ePassports. That is cool. I am still relatively new when it comes to all of this so all my thoughts are all as a way of understand new ways in technology development and world interactions.

Its a bit more than you and a lot of people think. In my line of work we employ AI Facial Recognition for marketing and behaviorial mapping purposes. We setup arrays of cameras and have a database of known people that can run facial analysis on the database, track the person, and determine interest and behavior and then provide back analyitic marketing data back. No RFID is needed. The AI Facial recognition is so good right now we can run these sysems with around a 98% margin of error which can be reduced with more cameras.

Fixed the error. Surprised no one else noticed my error. I have issues with writing errors and spelling from time to time, I have to triple check myself. I have gotten better due to all the papers I had to write in college but I do make mistakes from time to time. I am an anthropologist not an anthropology. I am working also to be able to practice archaeology by doing a field school.

Also I am not super concerned either about the government reading or tracking implants. I tend to rule life with a healthy mix of doubt and plausible. Things can happen and things can’t. It is always important to be prepared for a lot of different situations and to be educated as much as possible. I know that things like 125kHz chips has such a short read range that tracking is unlikely. This is a known variable. Sure there are things that can set up that chip, but there are also a lot of things that can block that chip too. Same with the other chips.

Oh I know it is used in other purposes. It used in anthropological data fields too, at least to an extent. Also plenty of anthropologist are involved in the fields you mentioned. I was specifically talking about ID situations and multi factor situations where a person needs to use it in order verify their identity. AI Facial Recognition is also in use in border security systems, prison security systems, security systems in general (both commercial and home), and many other things. It is pretty nifty and also pretty scary stuff too.

As far as the RFID in the passport in covers, that has been passports for a lot long time which is why I mentioned it. I mentioned the usage of the RFID usage in addition to the AI Facial Recognition because it would allow for more accurate identifications and could prevent system errors that are present within these systems. It also allows another form of check and assurance that a person is who they say they are. The RFID would have to be in their hand, that idea was more a conceptual idea rather than practical (both practically and logistically).

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