OK, The Arduino sketch is available in a git repository…
Documentation is not there yet, but the short version is to follow the adafruit instructions for downloading the latest arduino ide, and setting it up for the trinket. Clone the sketch to your computer…
git clone https://github.com/zwack-am/KeyboardWedge.git
Open the Sketch in the arduino IDE and then hit the upload button.
You should then see some messages, and hopefully the sketch will be compiled and uploaded to your trinket. At this point it will be ready to act with a properly configured token.
Create a token with whatever writing tool you want to use containing ZPKWxxxxxxxxx\0 where xxxxxxxxxx is your password you want typed and \0 is the null character. Open an editor, and with the editor window open and selected touch your token to the reader and you should see your password appear followed by a return.
More work is still needed to add more card types (and manage things like sector trailers) and to allow the wedge to update the password or create new tokens.
Please let me know how things work for you.