Installer in Middlesbrough, UK

People are always looking for installers and I was Just doing some (unrelated) browsing and stumbled on this

Skin Seamstress

She offers a wide range of services including

Magnetic Implants £150
NFC Tags £150
(Although the Prices seem a little high to me)

Microdermal removals £10
Not sure if this would include xSeries :man_shrugging:

170-172 Linthorpe Rd, Middlesbrough TS1 3RB, UK

@KaiCastledine from KSEC may want to contact her around being added to the KSEC Cyborg centres :man_shrugging:

Some key words for search results
Middlesbrough, is middle Great Britain on the East coast
~ half way between Newcastle and Leeds
United Kingdom

She looks like she is good at her job

and she clearly hates piercing guns

So probably has Comas seal of approval


Will reach out soon! Thank you :slight_smile:

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