in anticipation
Here is a VERY informative FAQ about x-Series implants, some of which is covered below. But it is recommend you read these FAQs.
There are piercing partners but if there is none near you any body piercer should be able to implant this for you.
A doctor, nurse or medic would be able to but they will likely take more convincing…
A self or assisted install is possible,
The following links that will make this very clear that it is easy to do
Watch Installation procedure Guide 1
Watch Installation Procedure Guide 2
Watch Needle insertion angle
How to approach a professional DT Info
After Care
As long as you have used good aseptic techniques during the installation process, the healing should take care of its self with minimal maintenance.
x-Series a simple hydrocolloid plaster for the first 48hrs or so, then leave it open to heal naturally; adhering to standard hygiene practices
Flex Should be very similar to the x-Series, if using the Dangerous Things 4G piercing needle and steristrips however, the plaster should be left on longer, and further considerations if stitches/ sutures were used.
Post installation, the body will begin to encapsulate the tag with fibrous collagen tissue. To help this process along, you can take pre-natal vitamins, which has collagen and keratin boosting properties helping build collagen and connective tissues.
Also a little common sense wouldn’t go astray…
no weight lifting /rock climbing