Is it swelling? No! Then why is NExT not yet reading

The performance loss is extremely temporary. You can use a magnet on an implant, but it won’t move it. The force is only as strong as the attraction, after which friction dominates. You could just try physically pushing it, but from experience I can tell you if you get lightheaded trying that, stop before you pass out.


good advise on the stopping before the passout point. LoL
I can’t actually get behind it to push as it was put in too deep. I was hoping to get it closer to the surface into a useable area.
Does anybody know, if I put in another one (same hand) since the first one isn’t able to read with anything other than the xEM, would the reader devices get the signal from the closer one, or would they likely interfere with each other.

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It might if you wore the magnet for a few months… maybe… good experiment actually… can you relocate a misaligned implant using a magnet over 30, 60, or 90 days?

Wouldn’t that just cause necrosis?

only if it actually came to the surface… but yes this would be a potential issue… regular review of the implant site would be important.

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