Is the global economy trending down

To me FUN = NECESSARY so I quickly got 3 implants and definitely plan on buying more once some cool new ones come out :slight_smile:


I work from home so I don’t need access control systems for my work (although they use magnetic stripe anyway, so an implant wouldn’t help much).

At home I have one lock that uses RFID, but also has a keypad and a key. So an implant is not really needed.

None of my wife’s vehicles have RFID (only one has electronic door locks even) and I haven’t had a vehicle of my own for about 6 years now.

I do use an RFID tag to type my work password (The password can be more complex that way without me forgetting it. It is long and completely random) but that just uses a tag I keep in the clutter on my desk.

I do use 2FA so something equivalent to a TOTP or yubikey implant has some use for me,… But it is illegal for piercers to implant in Oregon so I would need to travel >100 miles each way (and probably closer to 250) and it hasn’t happened yet.

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I think something like partnering with big tech YouTubers would be beneficial. Even if nobody is getting chipped, just showing what is possible would give a lot a traffic to the site.

I have no idea how feasible this all is though, might be hard to get a hold of the more famous techtubers


It’s late here tonight, but I just got the chance to read Amal’s initial post on this thread. I will read the replies and stuff tomorrow and maybe have more to say. Just from reading that, yeah things are more expensive, lots of economic things happening out of anyone’s control. However, I have 3 people right now that are prospective future implantees, I hope to get at least one of them as a future customer. I think the thing is now, people like myself are getting out and talking to others more than ever in the past 2 pandemic years. Online talk is one thing, but it’s a whole other thing actually meeting people and talking to them in person. I’ve had surprisingly good response actually showing mine off and stuff. Maybe it’s just me, but I am currently feeling the future is bright, it just might take more of us getting out there and being “salespeople”, and things could be really cool :sunglasses:

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In Poland, we have a YouTuber, he once did an interview on walletmor payment implants the material was mainly focused on the walletmor company Amal was only mentioned: / in my opinion DT implants are more interesting and give more opportunities :slight_smile: “Kuba Klawiter” often listens to what the community suggests. ask if he would make material about DT

A post was merged into an existing topic: How were you introduced into the world of Biohacking?

It’s been a tough couple years for me, not gonna lie, and not just because of covid. But I’m one of those people who are always optimistic and try and make the best of every situation, and the past few years have seen quite a bit of personal growth as well. I’m finally moving out of an emotionally and financially abusive situation, and things are looking and feeling much more positive personally than in awhile. New beginnings always do for me.

I first heard about DT awhile back, I don’t actually remember when. It was probably back when I got my Haworth magnet in 2016 and would have been looking up other biomods. I got really into the magnetic sensing side of things, but then I played with my implant too much and it rejected about a month and a half later.

Between that and how much the magnet hurt to install, I didn’t look back into things until this year just happening to click an old Chrome bookmark on a whim. Since I now have access to a crazy strong prescription numbing cream, I’m more confident in going somewhere to have implants installed. I think I’ll stick with NExT and Spark 2 in 0s, xgc in non-dominant middle finger tip, and an Apex Flex in the left hand once it comes out. Blinkies would be fun, but aren’t necessary to further augment my capabilities.

I’ve always been into automating my home via Alexa, Phillips Hue lights, wifi wall plugs, etc commercial options. I’ve only barely messed with Linux before, and my code-fu is Intro to CompSci Javascript from 12+ years ago at best. But it’s definitely interesting, and should take up my main hobby slot for awhile (after piano and ABO certification lmao)

I’m finally starting my music YouTube soon, and I feel it’s poised to take off running. I’ll definitely talk about implants in it at some point, if not feature some uses in a music video. Nothing cooler than practical effects when on a low budget!


I had to go to bed last night and like I said got to reading the rest of your ideas and comments on this thread today. It seems like most people are thinking some of the same things as I did initially. Continuing with the thoughts I had last night I am going to keep up with talking to people about implants. It’s something I was motivated to do anyway. Also, I will see what I can figure out later this week and hopefully I will be able to say @init6 , I will be coming to CircleCon. I feel even more motivated to help out with that, but I was before anyways. Also, on that subject, @amal , if you could make it there in July, I have to agree that would totally be awesome. Also I saw @DeviantOllam tagged too, I am curious what cons you’re going to this year? I haven’t seen him in person since one of the last times I was at HOPE in NYC. (Deviant used to live for a bit with one of my friends from college when he lived in Philly too.) Anyways, I’ll do what I can to try to promote DT and this community going forward for sure!! :slight_smile:


Personally i have considered getting a chip a few timed before, but it’s just that the current chips don’t have the capabillities i want, like FIDO. So i’m basically waiting for the APEX, which i would pourchase pretty immediately, even if card payment is not an option.


Idk if this was in response to me tagging him here or not, but he threw up a YouTube short lol

… wow I didn’t know there was video description till I linked it here… YouTube hides the description on shorts apparently

“ Heh, on trips when I feel like hitting the bar and not keeping track of my hotel room key… this never gets old. :joy:

This is not an ad or anything for Amal or his company. I just really like the hardware that they make. Stay tuned hopefully this year for a talk by a number of my friends and I about biohacking where we cover all sorts of implant questions from top to bottom and even do some insertions live on stage! :credit_card::raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed::syringe:


Fun fact, you can use the same video ID with the standard watch URL format to watch shorts via the normal youtube player:

Lets you see comments, description, etc. all like normal.


Biohacking village Twitter created!

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Good Man.

Nice plug @DeviantOllam

tumblr_15f943c943221ba691f5683b430a0114_a15e3bec_540 (1)


Supposedly he hasn’t logged in since July, so I wonder if it was just a coincidence

So confused,

I’ve tried like 2-3 times to post a comment on that video along the lines of

“Hey, any chance you’ll be at CircleCon later this year? Helping run a biohacker village as my first dip into hackercon stuff”

And then it disappears, idk if my comment is getting deleted or what… I don’t think I’m saying anything bad?…

Maybe he has a comment filter deleting comments about con stuff on most videos? No idea

I see your other comments, and he liked your comment about tagging you on the forum, so hopefully he’ll see this at some point.

Idk I tried to simply link to the “ how to approach an installer”

To the comment saying he can’t find an installer

The comment won’t go thru or gets deleted in seconds… idk what the deal is

I don’t think you tube likes hyperlinks. I’ve seen the same when trying to link other people to the answer to their question.


He might have YouTube’s spam filter on, so links may not go through.

It’s not just links,
Basic things were getting kicked too

So weird