Is the global economy trending down

I like that idea too! I am hoping my suggestion is a jumping off point :slight_smile:

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That’s the point. They’re making a Dr Who reference.

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Exactly, those not worthy of being upgraded are told “You will be deleted”.

Unfortunately the name Cybixis made me think of Cybus Industries and probably not somewhere you want to go.

I like the thought processes behind that concept, but we should be aware of potential negative connotations.

My main selling point of my suggestion being the digital tree. The name I came up with on the fly haha We definitely need to think this out and my post will hopefully inspire others to make something better :slight_smile:

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For folks that post stuff on social media, a link to your post (if public) here would be nice so that if we don’t have a video or content to post, we can share your post with others. I’m sure most of us would do this just to make sure DT survives and we can purchase from them for our next implant!

I have a few other posts too plus I will add more as time goes on


When will the full body cyberman upgrade be released? Soon™ I guess…


El cambió de nombre pues sería un poco difícil. Por el tema de identidad cooperativa y demás pero… Si efectivamente yo no compre mi implante NCF, EN DT; porque primero era nuevo en esto segundo él nombre me asusto y más que eso las advertencias en rojo y demas, tirando google encontré en una página china y hay lo compre… Mas sin embargo seguí entrando y mirando en la página pues me daba curiosidad curiosidad. Hasta que hace un par de día, compré el paquete Ultron. No ha llegado porque lo recibío una amiga en EEUU. Y los tendré en mis mamos en un par de mes lamentablemente. Pero si apoyo bastante el susto que le da a alguien nuevo el nombre Cosas peligrosas. Jajajaja.

I think this one is pretty catchy, it has a cyborg feel, look and sound to it.
Easy to remember…Thoughts?


I think we should just terminate that line of thought before it gets going.


Let me think on it, I’ll be back, with another suggestion


I don’t want to derail here but I am very curious what make/model door lock that is?

METechs MID300

Eso es aun más peligroso…

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Jaja si. Claro me falto mucha lectura…