Ist possible to change the Chipset T5577 to EM?

Good day , i was trying to clone EM card but that didnt work coz the reader can identify the original card ,
so i was just trying to understand in what possibility the reader can recognize the none original card as they just send data once they get the power ,
so the only difference i see is the card type still shows as T55xx after cloning ,
so am wondering if its possible to change the chipset type on these T5577 card ,

What are you using to program the card? A PM3 will let you set a t55 card to EM mode.


these readers detect em4305 aswell as T5577s

the only way to get around them is to use an emulator.

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ya PM3 , which command bro ?

so in what way they distinguish the original from none original if both have same info ,
only difference i see is if you give a T5 command then the Em wont response maybe ?

Someone may correct me as I am going from memory. I am away and don’t have mine with me.

Pretty sure it is:

lf em 410x clone --id 1234567890

Obviously change the number to what your id needs to be.

Typing lf em should give you a list of commands if I am wrong about the above.

And it is a small character L before the f in the above command sets.

Good luck.


Aox’s handy dandy tool is great for such situations


because t5577s are more than just the data they contain… the configuration data is not something you can hide


so you mean those readers try to read the configuration data and thats how it detect if its an EM or T5 card !

Thanks , i surely tried that before , and i tried now again after wiping the card , but still shows the chipset as T55
([+] Valid EM410x ID found!

[+] Chipset detection: T55xx
[?] Hint: try lf t55xx commands)

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It will always show as a T55 chip because it is one. It just emulates a EM chip.

I would be surprised if the reader is looking for a T55 chip specifically as, at least in recent years, most LF chips are T55 programmed to emulate the different chip types, because it’s cheaper to use them given they are mass produced.

If the reader is specifically looking for and locking out a T55 then I doubt you will be able to clone it.

I wouldn’t be too surprised actually. The t5577 so ubiquitous that a market has been created for an LF reader that does just a tiny bit of security checking. It doesn’t take much to just make fobs out of legitimate em chips, and if you can differentiate yourself from all the other low cost legacy readers out there by saying you can detect cloned fobs… you will probably win the vast majority of that segment of the market is actually looking for a little bit of security.


I thought you were hibernating. Merry Christmas.


DT is hibernating :slight_smile:


Thanks Guys , I will still more research about that , i dont believe that it cant be done , it just maybe not easy to me :smiley:

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