Rather than replicating the info, what about in the Welcome message there is included at the top a note to make people aware.
Google translate isn’t perfect but it gets enough correct to be understood.
I mentioned a while ago, about the possibility to update the welcome message, but in it, I didn’t include the translation feature, maybe right at the top, so it is clear from the get go
so it could look something like this
The pinned Forum Welcome Page ( see below ), Just wondering your thoughts on putting in a couple of
Reccomended reads before posting
Only a couple because people are …people
Example below
The Dangerous Things Forum!
The forum has a translation feature!
This is a place to discuss biohacking, projects, and technology. This is not place to spout religious dogma, nonsensical ideological arguments, ramblings about government mind control conspiracies, secret alien implants, etc.
Be civil, be adults, and be interesting - or face the ban hammer.
Our products can be purchased at www.dangerousthings.com - use responsibly.
BEFORE you post any questions
Read/watch these resources
WIKI - BEGINNERS GUIDE to implants & becoming a cyborg
VERY INFORMATIVE PAGE Read it all, watch the videos and check out the matrix at the bottom
Once you have read those, you will likely still have questions, but also a much better understanding.
If you have a question, use the search function first.
If you can’t find the answer,
create a post