Welcome back
You Betcha
I was going to reply to you sooner, but I was off answering another question, Anyway Az beat me to it.
I was going to say:
He is out of stock
But he is also being a tease
Pico2 ?
anyway, he also provided a “Build your own” on GitHub, as you would have seen, but here’s the link
The only reason I am really replying is, you may have also missed his Zinc Project
It’s really awesome actually
It has a cost to it, but it is VERY reasonable, and has Tiers to it, meaning, One of the Tiers, you can basically get a free Pico.
I’m not sure if this will carry over to the new “PicoNanoMicroTiny”
But the App itself is awesome, with even more functionality coming Soon™
I was going to write a review on it, but I was waiting for it to be “finished”
But also, I don’t have a BioMagnet, so I’m not one of the kool kids, and I couldn’t review all the functionality.
Anyway, welcome back, and check out the Zinc Project whilst you wait for the “PicoNanoMicroTiny”