Lodestone PICO announcement!

Nah I meant clean of me posting random code and screenshots. Leave it to questions and discussion.
But I’d love to be able to edit the op to add the Patreon link, the git repo and update the photo, can you do that?

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link to top


Got the parts co.ing in the mail to make one :+1:
Let me know how if we can just get the app (happyto send you PP or go through patronage :yum:)

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The app is almost there. I will have it on Google Play in closed beta for the patreons initially and then for 10$ public.
You kinda have three options:

  • Wait for me to publish the app (soon ™)

  • Join the Cyborg Patreon tier and get both the app (early tester) and a PICO.

  • I made a Patreon tier just for the app, you get added as an early tester



No, Flipper can’t act as a USB host, only as a peripheral. This is a limitation of the USB controller chip we’re using.

That’s not a good sign I think. Lots of missed opportunities right there :expressionless: it’s actually super annoying, I had a bunch of ideas using the usb port :triumph:

On the other hand throwing a female usb c on the GPIO pins must be doable…

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That was my next thought

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You would have to code an app with the basics of the usbc host protocol to do more advanced things but in the case of the small DACs in the PICOs I think you just send power and the signal on one of the pins and it works. Someone wanna try and send a 50-400hz sinewave into a pico? I would but I really don’t have time. If you write an app I will sponsor it with a PICO :joy:

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Here’s one :grin:
Next I want to try transparent case, happy to send you some if they turn out ok :+1:


I made some clear and greenish clear resin printed ones that I sent to Az, but I’m wondering if the package got lost at the USPS facility in France :frowning:
That black looks nice though!!


That sucks … I’ve had several USPS packages lost going outside of the US in the last year or so …

Thanks :+1:
The 2 ends warped so bad they don’t seal at all … So for now it’s just the middle :sweat_smile:


I’m hoping it’s just slow. I’m going to ask the Patreons i they prefer getting the pico with the white cases I have or if they prefer to wait for color choices.

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I’m printing more. Figured I’d send them out this week with DHL as backup. If people don’t want to wait, which I completely get since I want to get my hands on a device asap, I understand, I can also send them individually if someone wants a naked device and glue together a case for it.
Just sucks because I printed some little boxes for them too with resin that looked kind of cool, a little rough maybe since I was learning how to use the resin printer but oh well. Fuck USPS haha


I mean it might not be lost and could just take a couple more weeks :crossed_fingers:

Wow that’s great! I’ll let everyone know. And yeah good point :ok_hand:


So I heard back from USPS and they said the package was handed off to the carrier that is supposed to take it from mainland France over to you. That happened on the 27th. So maybe it is just late, they said that carrier is the French post office but do not have a tracking number for it. Big points awarded to USPS for the lady who left me a message saying she looked at pictures from Martinique and said she might just have to take a vacation to go look for the package herself XD
And for the guy who answered my call back growing up close to where I live and was willing to chat for a while about the :football: Kansas City Chiefs :smiley:
So fingers crossed!!!



Yeah they’re not particularly reliable either. Since there’s nothing of value in the package I doubt it got stolen so it’s probably just sitting in a warehouse :crossed_fingers:


Well jeeze, that’s the last time I try to help someone out! XD
Gotcha, hopefully it falls off the shelf in the warehouse and on to a truck soon!

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Interesting they told you it was on the 27th. The tracking says 18th. So maybe it’s still crossing the Atlantic…

*of value to a non cybernetic meatbag :shushing_face:

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It landed in the French USPS facility on the 18th, then was handed off to the French postal service on the 28th, presumably after it sat on a USPS shelf for a couple days, then customs, then shelf again.

So that’s what we call the shelf life of a product !

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You’ve heard of the elf on a shelf.
Now there’s a PICO in a depot.