Looking to buy a MagSpoof V4/V5

Hi, does anyone have a MagSpoof V4 or V5 for sale for close to the price of the ones on the Electronic Cats shop? (USA/CANADA, preferably a V5)

I went to order a V5 for $15 on their site but shipping is $87 to canada, seems insanely high and they haven’t gotten back to me yet.

V5 is sold out so I can’t add it to my cart but here’s a screenshot of the V4 in my cart. I expected it to be like $35 total.

I’m in Detroit, would be willing to have it shipped to me and I can check what prices are to ship to you. Usually it’s like 25$ for small packages


I checked shipping for my US address too and it was $50 :upside_down_face:

I’d order from KSEC to my uk address but currency conversion puts the V4 at around $100 so I’m paying the same.

Currently looking into a Mexican reship address.

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Hah, same issue here. I hit the order button a couple months ago, then promptly cancelled after seeing it would cost me around $80.

If you bare with a few hours, we’re putting a V4 sale on to make way for the new V5. Which we have one V5 left in stock which will go up for sale today :wink:



How long will the sale be?

I get paid on the 30th so I’ll have to wait till then.

Until our stock runs out, but I can put a unit side for you if helpful.


£98,85 is $173.54 CAD so still much more expensive than EC but i appreciate the offer!

I may just have to deal with the high shipping fee from EC.

Still looking into a Mexican reshipping address.

No worries! Happy to try work something out for you.

We do have free shipping available and maybe can work out some sort of deal. If there’s other items you need, drop us a PM and we’ll try figure out the best option.


Rad, I appreciate the help!

I found the V1 Magspoof KiCAD files so im going to order from nextpcb.

It brings the price down to $3 for 5 (without assembly), im going to replace the TC4424 with a MIC4422 or IR2184 and upgrade the ATTiny85 to a ATTiny841 or ATmega328P.

I may need help with the coil/component upgrades in the future.

Thanks for the responses and offers!