Loss of magnetism solution?

Can I get a strong magnet to renew my implanted neodymium magnet? I’ve had it for mby 7 yrs?

I’ve seen posts about getting a replacement but idk what kind it is or any proof of purchase so I’m not super hopeful… CAN I CHARGE MY OLD MAGNET???

I went threw a scanner and I’m prty sure the magnet is intact.

The coating is tin oxide if that can help figure out which implant I have.

Tyvm luv yall

Probably not.

I’m not so sure about the long term stability of that coating. There are other causes for loss of sensitivity, assuming that you’re only using it as a sensing magnet but if you’ve lost lifting power, get it replaced.

I suggest reading this thread about another magnet that had issues:

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Hell no. Magnets dont lose that significant * power over time. That this is cracked and rusting inside I’m betting.

Get it taken out by a pro ASAP… if you ask me

* I guess if you come here to ask, it’s already significant enough to worry you, idk, not 1% loss but rather a lot more, which in (almost) all of the cases I have read about meant → it had to be taken out sooner or later


This definitely this. TiN coating is not stable for long term. I’ve had one fail inside me and what you’re describing happened. Get it removed