Magic NTAG vs magic 1k?

We all love a Grey Market deal

well, for example… the mifare “classic” crypto-1 protocol is patented and licensed to Fudan so they can make mifare compliant chips like the F08 (same as S50 1k)… and that license is included in NXP reader chips that go into phones which is why certain android phones can read and write to mifare classic chips and even store NDEF data on them and read/process NDEF data from them.

you know who’s not paying proper licensing? the magic chip makers. why aren’t they? because nxp would not allow them to make a properly licensed magic chip where the UID and sector 0 could be changed. therefore, criminals. therefore, no customer service. therefore, market forces are the only Q/A process in play.

Oh that. Yeah but that’s just China for you: they don’t give a shit about patents or licenses. It’s all very normal to them. That’s why I was confused: it’s hardly a crime to infringe on someone else’s IP there.

Just for the sake of argument, if it’s a crime, does that make DT an accessory? :slight_smile:

well even though it is china, NXP is #1 in the chip market, and the heft of such a market player that produces a ton of chips in china, phones are produced with nxp chip in china … that can pull some legal sway in china for sure.

nope… just like customers who buy knock-off goods are not accessories to counterfeiting

The goods can still be seized, and the customer fined though. At least where I’m from

Same here I believe. But I’m not really worried about it tbh :joy:

Here it’s still innocent until proven guilty… it would have to be shown in a court of law that I knowingly purchased products that were violating international intellectual property law… so they’d just seize it at worst.

Knowingly buying a counterfeit product constitutes aiding and abetting in most countries I’ve lived in.

Eeeeeh it’s all made up anyways. IP in its current form shouldn’t be a thing.

It’s the proving it that’s the challenge and unless you are importing 2 tons of fake handbags, seizure is the only practical action.

Indeed. I didn’t say it was easy for a prosecutor to prove malice, and probably if you don’t import 2 tons of Magic Mifares, it’s not worth anybody’s time to go after you. My point was, it’s not because it’s not enforced that it’s legal.

And if you get your stuff seized, that is a penality - especially if your consignment is high value.
