Magic Ring Help

Yeah… hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there’s a lot of errors in there. I’ll try to break it down.

Going of the dump from your screenshot:

Sector 0 seems okay.
Sectors 1-15 (everything else) are toast.

Your access bits for these sectors got all kinds of messed up, probably from a failed write. Unfortunately, they seem set in a state where you likely won’t be able to fix it. The gen2 chip in the Magic Ring can’t be reset with backdoor commands, so you gotta be careful what you write to it.

Basically, you should still be able to change the UID as it’s in sector 0 and that sector should still be writable with keys 314146464341 for A and 303030300D0A for B. Everything else may be hit or miss, since the access bits and their inverse don’t match, which I’m not entirely sure can be fixed. I’ll do some looking later when I’m home.

Full Report

Sector 0
Key A: 314146464341
Key B: 303030300D0A
Access Bits (Hex): FF078069
Access Bits (Binary): 1111 1111 0000 0111 1000 0000 0110 1001
C1: 0000
C2: 0000
C3: 1000
C1i: 1111
C2i: 1111
C3i: 0111
✓ C1i is the inverse of C1.
✓ C2i is the inverse of C2.
✓ C3i is the inverse of C3.

Block 0: 000
✓ Read by Key A|B
✓ Write by Key A|B
✓ Increment by Key A|B
✓ Decrement/Transfer/Restore by Key A|B

Block 1: 000
✓ Read by Key A|B
✓ Write by Key A|B
✓ Increment by Key A|B
✓ Decrement/Transfer/Restore by Key A|B

Block 2: 000
✓ Read by Key A|B
✓ Write by Key A|B
✓ Increment by Key A|B
✓ Decrement/Transfer/Restore by Key A|B

Block 3 (Sector Trailer): 001
Key A
X No Read Access
✓ Write by Key A
Key B
✓ Read by Key A
✓ Write by Key A
Access Bits
✓ Read by Key A
✓ Write by Key A

Sector 1
Key A: 314133353038
Key B: 464646464646
Access Bits (Hex): F0FF0000
Access Bits (Binary): 1111 0000 1111 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000
C1: 1111
C2: 0000
C3: 0000
C1i: 0000
C2i: 1111
C3i: 1111
✓ C1i is the inverse of C1.
✓ C2i is the inverse of C2.
✓ C3i is the inverse of C3.

Block 4: 100
✓ Read by Key A|B
✓ Write by Key B
X No Increment Access
X No Decrement/Transfer/Restore Access

Block 5: 100
✓ Read by Key A|B
✓ Write by Key B
X No Increment Access
X No Decrement/Transfer/Restore Access

Block 6: 100
✓ Read by Key A|B
✓ Write by Key B
X No Increment Access
X No Decrement/Transfer/Restore Access

Block 7 (Sector Trailer): 100
Key A
X No Read Access
✓ Write by Key B
Key B
X No Read Access
✓ Write by Key B
Access Bits
✓ Read by Key A|B
X No Write Access

Sector 2
Key A: 303430303632
Key B: 464646464646
Access Bits (Hex): 7F0788FF
Access Bits (Binary): 1111 1110 0000 1111 0001 0001 1111 111
C1: 0000
C2: 0001
C3: 0001
C1i: 1110
C2i: 1111
C3i: 1111
X C1i is NOT the inverse of C1.
X C2i is NOT the inverse of C2.
X C3i is NOT the inverse of C3.

Block 8: 011
✓ Read by Key B
✓ Write by Key B
X No Increment Access
X No Decrement/Transfer/Restore Access

Block 9: 000
✓ Read by Key A|B
✓ Write by Key A|B
✓ Increment by Key A|B
✓ Decrement/Transfer/Restore by Key A|B

Block 10: 000
✓ Read by Key A|B
✓ Write by Key A|B
✓ Increment by Key A|B
✓ Decrement/Transfer/Restore by Key A|B

Block 11 (Sector Trailer): 000
Key A
X No Read Access
✓ Write by Key A
Key B
✓ Read by Key A
✓ Write by Key A
Access Bits
✓ Read by Key A
X No Write Access

Sector 3
Key A: 363336343635
Key B: 464630373830
Access Bits (Hex): 7F0788FF
Access Bits (Binary): 1111 1110 0000 1111 0001 0001 1111 111
C1: 0000
C2: 0001
C3: 0001
C1i: 1110
C2i: 1111
C3i: 1111
X C1i is NOT the inverse of C1.
X C2i is NOT the inverse of C2.
X C3i is NOT the inverse of C3.

Block 12: 011
✓ Read by Key B
✓ Write by Key B
X No Increment Access
X No Decrement/Transfer/Restore Access

Block 13: 000
✓ Read by Key A|B
✓ Write by Key A|B
✓ Increment by Key A|B
✓ Decrement/Transfer/Restore by Key A|B

Block 14: 000
✓ Read by Key A|B
✓ Write by Key A|B
✓ Increment by Key A|B
✓ Decrement/Transfer/Restore by Key A|B

Block 15 (Sector Trailer): 000
Key A
X No Read Access
✓ Write by Key A
Key B
✓ Read by Key A
✓ Write by Key A
Access Bits
✓ Read by Key A
X No Write Access

Sector 4
Key A: 363636373638
Key B: 363946464646
Access Bits (Hex): 7F0788FF
Access Bits (Binary): 1111 1110 0000 1111 0001 0001 1111 111
C1: 0000
C2: 0001
C3: 0001
C1i: 1110
C2i: 1111
C3i: 1111
X C1i is NOT the inverse of C1.
X C2i is NOT the inverse of C2.
X C3i is NOT the inverse of C3.

Block 16: 011
✓ Read by Key B
✓ Write by Key B
X No Increment Access
X No Decrement/Transfer/Restore Access

Block 17: 000
✓ Read by Key A|B
✓ Write by Key A|B
✓ Increment by Key A|B
✓ Decrement/Transfer/Restore by Key A|B

Block 18: 000
✓ Read by Key A|B
✓ Write by Key A|B
✓ Increment by Key A|B
✓ Decrement/Transfer/Restore by Key A|B

Block 19 (Sector Trailer): 000
Key A
X No Read Access
✓ Write by Key A
Key B
✓ Read by Key A
✓ Write by Key A
Access Bits
✓ Read by Key A
X No Write Access

Sector 5
Key A: 36390D0A3030
Key B: 464646464646
Access Bits (Hex): 7F0788FF
Access Bits (Binary): 1111 1110 0000 1111 0001 0001 1111 111
C1: 0000
C2: 0001
C3: 0001
C1i: 1110
C2i: 1111
C3i: 1111
X C1i is NOT the inverse of C1.
X C2i is NOT the inverse of C2.
X C3i is NOT the inverse of C3.

Block 20: 011
✓ Read by Key B
✓ Write by Key B
X No Increment Access
X No Decrement/Transfer/Restore Access

Block 21: 000
✓ Read by Key A|B
✓ Write by Key A|B
✓ Increment by Key A|B
✓ Decrement/Transfer/Restore by Key A|B

Block 22: 000
✓ Read by Key A|B
✓ Write by Key A|B
✓ Increment by Key A|B
✓ Decrement/Transfer/Restore by Key A|B

Block 23 (Sector Trailer): 000
Key A
X No Read Access
✓ Write by Key A
Key B
✓ Read by Key A
✓ Write by Key A
Access Bits
✓ Read by Key A
X No Write Access

Sector 6
Key A: 303030303030
Key B: 46460D0A3030
Access Bits (Hex): 7F0788FF
Access Bits (Binary): 1111 1110 0000 1111 0001 0001 1111 111
C1: 0000
C2: 0001
C3: 0001
C1i: 1110
C2i: 1111
C3i: 1111
X C1i is NOT the inverse of C1.
X C2i is NOT the inverse of C2.
X C3i is NOT the inverse of C3.

Block 24: 011
✓ Read by Key B
✓ Write by Key B
X No Increment Access
X No Decrement/Transfer/Restore Access

Block 25: 000
✓ Read by Key A|B
✓ Write by Key A|B
✓ Increment by Key A|B
✓ Decrement/Transfer/Restore by Key A|B

Block 26: 000
✓ Read by Key A|B
✓ Write by Key A|B
✓ Increment by Key A|B
✓ Decrement/Transfer/Restore by Key A|B

Block 27 (Sector Trailer): 000
Key A
X No Read Access
✓ Write by Key A
Key B
✓ Read by Key A
✓ Write by Key A
Access Bits
✓ Read by Key A
X No Write Access

Sector 7
Key A: 303030303030
Key B: 303030303030
Access Bits (Hex): 7F0788FF
Access Bits (Binary): 1111 1110 0000 1111 0001 0001 1111 111
C1: 0000
C2: 0001
C3: 0001
C1i: 1110
C2i: 1111
C3i: 1111
X C1i is NOT the inverse of C1.
X C2i is NOT the inverse of C2.
X C3i is NOT the inverse of C3.

Block 28: 011
✓ Read by Key B
✓ Write by Key B
X No Increment Access
X No Decrement/Transfer/Restore Access

Block 29: 000
✓ Read by Key A|B
✓ Write by Key A|B
✓ Increment by Key A|B
✓ Decrement/Transfer/Restore by Key A|B

Block 30: 000
✓ Read by Key A|B
✓ Write by Key A|B
✓ Increment by Key A|B
✓ Decrement/Transfer/Restore by Key A|B

Block 31 (Sector Trailer): 000
Key A
X No Read Access
✓ Write by Key A
Key B
✓ Read by Key A
✓ Write by Key A
Access Bits
✓ Read by Key A
X No Write Access

Sector 8
Key A: 303030303030
Key B: 303030303030
Access Bits (Hex): 7F0788FF
Access Bits (Binary): 1111 1110 0000 1111 0001 0001 1111 111
C1: 0000
C2: 0001
C3: 0001
C1i: 1110
C2i: 1111
C3i: 1111
X C1i is NOT the inverse of C1.
X C2i is NOT the inverse of C2.
X C3i is NOT the inverse of C3.

Block 32: 011
✓ Read by Key B
✓ Write by Key B
X No Increment Access
X No Decrement/Transfer/Restore Access

Block 33: 000
✓ Read by Key A|B
✓ Write by Key A|B
✓ Increment by Key A|B
✓ Decrement/Transfer/Restore by Key A|B

Block 34: 000
✓ Read by Key A|B
✓ Write by Key A|B
✓ Increment by Key A|B
✓ Decrement/Transfer/Restore by Key A|B

Block 35 (Sector Trailer): 000
Key A
X No Read Access
✓ Write by Key A
Key B
✓ Read by Key A
✓ Write by Key A
Access Bits
✓ Read by Key A
X No Write Access

Sector 9
Key A: 303030303030
Key B: 303030303030
Access Bits (Hex): 7F0788FF
Access Bits (Binary): 1111 1110 0000 1111 0001 0001 1111 111
C1: 0000
C2: 0001
C3: 0001
C1i: 1110
C2i: 1111
C3i: 1111
X C1i is NOT the inverse of C1.
X C2i is NOT the inverse of C2.
X C3i is NOT the inverse of C3.

Block 36: 011
✓ Read by Key B
✓ Write by Key B
X No Increment Access
X No Decrement/Transfer/Restore Access

Block 37: 000
✓ Read by Key A|B
✓ Write by Key A|B
✓ Increment by Key A|B
✓ Decrement/Transfer/Restore by Key A|B

Block 38: 000
✓ Read by Key A|B
✓ Write by Key A|B
✓ Increment by Key A|B
✓ Decrement/Transfer/Restore by Key A|B

Block 39 (Sector Trailer): 000
Key A
X No Read Access
✓ Write by Key A
Key B
✓ Read by Key A
✓ Write by Key A
Access Bits
✓ Read by Key A
X No Write Access

Sector 10
Key A: 303030303030
Key B: 303030303030
Access Bits (Hex): 7F0788FF
Access Bits (Binary): 1111 1110 0000 1111 0001 0001 1111 111
C1: 0000
C2: 0001
C3: 0001
C1i: 1110
C2i: 1111
C3i: 1111
X C1i is NOT the inverse of C1.
X C2i is NOT the inverse of C2.
X C3i is NOT the inverse of C3.

Block 40: 011
✓ Read by Key B
✓ Write by Key B
X No Increment Access
X No Decrement/Transfer/Restore Access

Block 41: 000
✓ Read by Key A|B
✓ Write by Key A|B
✓ Increment by Key A|B
✓ Decrement/Transfer/Restore by Key A|B

Block 42: 000
✓ Read by Key A|B
✓ Write by Key A|B
✓ Increment by Key A|B
✓ Decrement/Transfer/Restore by Key A|B

Block 43 (Sector Trailer): 000
Key A
X No Read Access
✓ Write by Key A
Key B
✓ Read by Key A
✓ Write by Key A
Access Bits
✓ Read by Key A
X No Write Access

Sector 11
Key A: 0D0A30303030
Key B: 303030303030
Access Bits (Hex): 7F0788FF
Access Bits (Binary): 1111 1110 0000 1111 0001 0001 1111 111
C1: 0000
C2: 0001
C3: 0001
C1i: 1110
C2i: 1111
C3i: 1111
X C1i is NOT the inverse of C1.
X C2i is NOT the inverse of C2.
X C3i is NOT the inverse of C3.

Block 44: 011
✓ Read by Key B
✓ Write by Key B
X No Increment Access
X No Decrement/Transfer/Restore Access

Block 45: 000
✓ Read by Key A|B
✓ Write by Key A|B
✓ Increment by Key A|B
✓ Decrement/Transfer/Restore by Key A|B

Block 46: 000
✓ Read by Key A|B
✓ Write by Key A|B
✓ Increment by Key A|B
✓ Decrement/Transfer/Restore by Key A|B

Block 47 (Sector Trailer): 000
Key A
X No Read Access
✓ Write by Key A
Key B
✓ Read by Key A
✓ Write by Key A
Access Bits
✓ Read by Key A
X No Write Access

Sector 12
Key A: 303030303030
Key B: 303030303030
Access Bits (Hex): 7F0788FF
Access Bits (Binary): 1111 1110 0000 1111 0001 0001 1111 111
C1: 0000
C2: 0001
C3: 0001
C1i: 1110
C2i: 1111
C3i: 1111
X C1i is NOT the inverse of C1.
X C2i is NOT the inverse of C2.
X C3i is NOT the inverse of C3.

Block 48: 011
✓ Read by Key B
✓ Write by Key B
X No Increment Access
X No Decrement/Transfer/Restore Access

Block 49: 000
✓ Read by Key A|B
✓ Write by Key A|B
✓ Increment by Key A|B
✓ Decrement/Transfer/Restore by Key A|B

Block 50: 000
✓ Read by Key A|B
✓ Write by Key A|B
✓ Increment by Key A|B
✓ Decrement/Transfer/Restore by Key A|B

Block 51 (Sector Trailer): 000
Key A
X No Read Access
✓ Write by Key A
Key B
✓ Read by Key A
✓ Write by Key A
Access Bits
✓ Read by Key A
X No Write Access

Sector 13
Key A: 303030303030
Key B: 303030303030
Access Bits (Hex): 7F0788FF
Access Bits (Binary): 1111 1110 0000 1111 0001 0001 1111 111
C1: 0000
C2: 0001
C3: 0001
C1i: 1110
C2i: 1111
C3i: 1111
X C1i is NOT the inverse of C1.
X C2i is NOT the inverse of C2.
X C3i is NOT the inverse of C3.

Block 52: 011
✓ Read by Key B
✓ Write by Key B
X No Increment Access
X No Decrement/Transfer/Restore Access

Block 53: 000
✓ Read by Key A|B
✓ Write by Key A|B
✓ Increment by Key A|B
✓ Decrement/Transfer/Restore by Key A|B

Block 54: 000
✓ Read by Key A|B
✓ Write by Key A|B
✓ Increment by Key A|B
✓ Decrement/Transfer/Restore by Key A|B

Block 55 (Sector Trailer): 000
Key A
X No Read Access
✓ Write by Key A
Key B
✓ Read by Key A
✓ Write by Key A
Access Bits
✓ Read by Key A
X No Write Access

Sector 14
Key A: 303030303030
Key B: 303030303030
Access Bits (Hex): 7F0788FF
Access Bits (Binary): 1111 1110 0000 1111 0001 0001 1111 111
C1: 0000
C2: 0001
C3: 0001
C1i: 1110
C2i: 1111
C3i: 1111
X C1i is NOT the inverse of C1.
X C2i is NOT the inverse of C2.
X C3i is NOT the inverse of C3.

Block 56: 011
✓ Read by Key B
✓ Write by Key B
X No Increment Access
X No Decrement/Transfer/Restore Access

Block 57: 000
✓ Read by Key A|B
✓ Write by Key A|B
✓ Increment by Key A|B
✓ Decrement/Transfer/Restore by Key A|B

Block 58: 000
✓ Read by Key A|B
✓ Write by Key A|B
✓ Increment by Key A|B
✓ Decrement/Transfer/Restore by Key A|B

Block 59 (Sector Trailer): 000
Key A
X No Read Access
✓ Write by Key A
Key B
✓ Read by Key A
✓ Write by Key A
Access Bits
✓ Read by Key A
X No Write Access

Sector 15
Key A: 303030303030
Key B: 303030303030
Access Bits (Hex): 7F078069
Access Bits (Binary): 1111 1110 0000 1111 0000 0000 1101 001
C1: 0000
C2: 0000
C3: 0000
C1i: 1110
C2i: 1111
C3i: 1111
X C1i is NOT the inverse of C1.
✓ C2i is the inverse of C2.
✓ C3i is the inverse of C3.

Block 60: 000
✓ Read by Key A|B
✓ Write by Key A|B
✓ Increment by Key A|B
✓ Decrement/Transfer/Restore by Key A|B

Block 61: 000
✓ Read by Key A|B
✓ Write by Key A|B
✓ Increment by Key A|B
✓ Decrement/Transfer/Restore by Key A|B

Block 62: 000
✓ Read by Key A|B
✓ Write by Key A|B
✓ Increment by Key A|B
✓ Decrement/Transfer/Restore by Key A|B

Block 63 (Sector Trailer): 000
Key A
X No Read Access
✓ Write by Key A
Key B
✓ Read by Key A
✓ Write by Key A
Access Bits
✓ Read by Key A
X No Write Access

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