Nope, nothing at all to reduce blood flow. He just doesn’t like blood pooling up in a sutured wound afterwards (when the effect goes down), and since I’m fine with bleeding a bit, I’m okay with his decisions
If he uses no lube at all, that could also explain the redness you got.
It can also be caused by friction between the tools and the inside from the skin. (which can be Ironically caused both by the products used, just as much as the lack of thereof)
That would also match very well @vampire_blue’s redness pattern
Can we see some photos?
Day 5 (well it is day 6 but these photos are from yesterday):
My camera shows the stitches as quite a bit redder than they really are, the wound is healing well but I will probably be keeping the stitches in till day 10.
Please ignore my coke no sugar addiction in the background…
And for @Cobble, a video of the blinkies!
Yay! Blinkies make me happy
Looks like it’s healing well!!
And the 3 blinkies are a touch!!
Looking forward for when the blood won’t be tinting them at all!
The first 2 weeks are key for an expedite recovery!
SO! it has been a while… Things are kinda uncertain but I’m optimistic.
Swelling has stopped going into that large bubble under the skin, and most of the opening is nice and sealed.
Now on day 12, I removed the stitches (with confirmation from my artist and my RN Father) as they were causing the incision quite a bit of irritation and the sides were already healed pretty well… the issue was the middle. closed but still very fresh looking and a fragile membrane, it opened with an accidental tap of my hand (that at the time was still pretty filled with fluid) on my door on my way out to work… so I have had it taped closed since then.
day 22 rolled around and it was still open, upon closer inspection I realised that I could see the plastic of the implant… the apex of the circle has been pushing the skin of the incision probable from day 10 or so. that is why there is still a fully open half cm still in the incision… the pocket originally made was definitely large enough, and had extra to keep the implant inside, but this little guy must have just decided to favour the opening.
It will still heal, and I am doing everything in my capabilities to keep it from getting infected or worse, but it is just gonna take a lot more time…
other than that, the blinkies work a treat (still red/orange), no more bruise on my hand, fluid is less than a ml each day (to my knowledge of that I see comes out of it)
Sorry for the wait, as my life has been pretty hectic, and haven’t been able to post or read the forums it quite some time (so much for my 365 streak)
Ill keep yall updated!
Also, the size of the implant surprises me frequently.
I used to make shortbread cookies just slightly larger =)
About the healing…
How about closing the incision with buried stitches?
(My skin is rather thin, especially where the opening is. Not sure if it was possible at all )
Or is it better to have the suturing a bit looser, so the fluids can come out?
Another fun little update!
It looks like I may need my magic flex removed…
As you can see my flex has decided he has had enough and wants to come out, leaving him like this is probably very unsafe for my hand and in general doesn’t look like its gonna close over by itself,
I have a Telehealth meeting with my GP in the next hour, ill see what he says (oh yay having to explain what an RFID implant is and how I got it into my body to a medical practitioner will be fun…)
If he says there isn’t a chance for it to close over but isn’t infected, I will probably see if I can talk to my body bod artist and see if he is willing to enlarge the pocket and reseal, if not… well idk I really don’t want this flex to go to waste and I love my blinkies so much.
Yeah, that doesn’t look great mate!
Good, luck, I hope you get to keep it in
wishing the best for you, that does not look good at all, seeing the implant is never a good thing…
Holy Shits!
By the looks of it, it might even be a bit infected (deep purple around the scabs).
The open window to let everything in, straight into the internal layers of skin is also terrible…
Even if it were to seal it shut, you would still probably need to remove the implant and properly sanitise the insides of that pocket before re-inserting anything (which obviously should also be sterilized).
Ironically it’s “less bad” while the wound is open, so the body can throw away whatever comes from the outside. Once you close it, with or without the implant inside, is when the real shitshow will begin.
My guess is that the physician will get you under some pretty heavy meds, and ask you to get it out.
Depending on the meds you get, you could try to just slice the scabs off and re-stitch… similar technique to closing enlarged ear lobes. but the risks of something growing inside your hand and getting really nasty a few months later… would be through the roof!
Really sorry to hear that!
And wish you luck!
Ah damn… this doesn’t look good at all, sorry…
Like Eyeux said, trapping something possibly infected in a closed pocket can be really dangerous, and I personally would not risk it.
The dark red / almost purple colour around the incision is not such a good sign, but what actually worries me more is the reddish colour on the back of your hand - has it developed or was it like that from the beginning? How painful is the hand, in general?
Mine finally came to a point where every slight touch was very uncomfortable, and slight pressure was really painful - and it was a full-grown infection inside with the need for tissue removal. So sure, I might be overcautious now
But I’d definitely not seal up this pocket you show there - get it openend properly, get the implant out, get the whole pocket sanitized and heal it up. After that is done and everything’s fine, maybe retry to install something there… at least that’s what I would do
I’m curious on what your GP has said - hope he was no total dick
I would have gone see a doctor long, LONG before it even got to that state. It’s scary…
Actually, that’s more the photos doing, it’s kinda just pink IRL
Thats just my hand I’m kind of a splochy fellow during the summer.
I was thinking this or in a new location, we will see.
He is a lovely guy, trying to explain it over the phone was kinda hard, he didn’t even know about scan access cards, so I explained it like credit cards instead.
Anyway, he told me he has no clue, see what my body mod artist says, but from his experience, any foreign body that is rejecting should be removed.
This is, i didn’t know about it till yesterday or so, before then it just looked like a healing wound. now… not so much. seeing the coil is crazy
I’m waiting on a response from my artist, then after that, i think it will be time to have the bugger removed for now.
i feel nothing besides like slight tenderness on the scab
Glad to hear that.
And that.
And also that.
Still looks nasty… =/
On the bright side, not havint the “sealing scar” on the inside will allow the space to be re-used more easily.
Ooookay, same here - any wounds on multi-coloured hands always look so much worse
Ah, that’s great - it’s important to have a good GP in case things go wrong, and if it’s someone who just looks down on you or tries to lecture you, you might not even visit him if neccessary… so, good you have a nice guy there!
That seems to be a good sign for now… anyway, keep an eye on it
If you like, keep us updated on his ideas - are the studios still open where you live? So, can you go there and get it removed if he suggests it?
Unfortunately that situation is ever evolving… there’s been some locally acquired cases in their state / on the east coast of Australia, so things could quickly head back into lockdown, or it could be contained very quickly
Hoping no matter what way you and your artist decide to go, that everything goes smoothly @vampire_blue, and that you soon recover / heal! Wishing you lots of luck
thanks don