Magnets! Magnets! Magnets! šŸ§² ( R&D )

they donā€™t sell that quicklyā€¦ you should be able to get one :slight_smile:

I am looking for other suppliers, but I also think the solution is to attempt to bring more of this stuff in house, as much as possible anyway. Titan is not ā€œdeadā€ā€¦ just discontinued for now as I rework the problem.


I mean what do u need for the Titan? Iā€™m assuming the laser welding is the part thatā€™s the main problem? It seems like an expensive and niche process.

Is the magnet force pressed in the casing or does it fit in there with small tolerances?

Machining and welding and machining and magnetization with a lot of tossing around back and forth. Iā€™m on the case though.

The magnetic core is fit with tight tolerance. Itā€™s quite brittle though so you canā€™t press fit it.


Well I bit the bullet a little early. My wallet will hurt for a week but Iā€™ll be fine.

You shouldā€™ve felt the angst when we crowdfunded the first batch, and everyone was eating ramen noodles to make sure they got a place on the list.


Interesting. Does this imply a non magnetic rare earth core being magnetized inside itā€™s titanium casing? I wouldnā€™t have thought of that on my own.

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Yeah you canā€™t magnetize first, itā€™ll wreck the field when you weld it.



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I even found someone willing to install it already!

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Basically the idea here is to take an m31 (we still have lots pulled from sale for reasons already covered) and work with our flex polymer. There are some limitations with this approach and weā€™re exploring ideas to remedy those issues, but right now the one thing that started out as a problem could actually result in a cool ideaā€¦ the UFO shape.

Was this ever experimented with further? This idea really intrigues me.

Edit: If someone could please explain to me how to cross reply Iā€™d be eternally grateful.

Actually part of the problem is dealing with the polymer at that scale is difficultā€¦ But the bigger issue is getting magnets to not click together when they are so close to each other. The best way to polymerize anything is to lay out a jig and run many of them through as close together as possible so you donā€™t waste the precious polymer. This is effectively impossible when you are working with magnetized m31 discs.

Maybe starting with an unmagnetized core and then having them magnetized after encasing is better than starting with m31s? I feel like thatā€™s a whole other logistical nightmare if DT doesnā€™t own a magnetizer(I canā€™t even seem to figure out how to get one with a 5 minute google) but it might still be cheaper than a Titan production.

Edit: I found a magnetizer and hawt damn they ainā€™t exactly cheap.

Yeah thatā€™s difficult to do also because of the packing problem and expensive aspect of all the shipping and logistics costs vs buying a magnetizer.

Iā€™d say most important though is that the Titan as a design is a lifetime magnet. Polymer on an m31 is probably a pretty viable option for lifetime useā€¦ but nothing will beat titanium.

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Definitely. I definitely think getting another batch of the proven sensing magnet is the best course of action if sensing magnets are going to stay as safe and reliable as they have been these past few years. Either way I just think the research is cool and I donā€™t think the Titan is going to forever be the end all be all of biomagnets if this research continues.

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How does PET sound? I also was thinking and doing a little more research but maybe we could friction or laser weld HDPE around a gold plated N52 magnet. We should be able to keep the magnet from gaining too much of that heat and demagnetizing. I also see a problem with the half life of HDPE but a sufficient coating would still have it last for decades. Thereā€™s a guy on that made a small batch of PET and HDPE magnets that seemed to have some decent success. Hereā€™s the link if anyone wants to go read his posts about it, heā€™s got a few thermoplastic coated magnet projects that had some promise:

I used to laser weld little capsules (about 4x15mm) with magnets inside.
We stacked a spacer and 3 magnets on top (one sided needed to be magnetized but not the other), then put a cap and weld that cap on the casing. I had our machine shop make a stainless ā€œcolletā€ to act as a heatsink and never had overheat issue (the magnets were Magnetized before we got them). Barely need any polish and out canā€™t find the weld wi
Also done titanium, but never the little magnet floater ā€¦

Would that be a viable option for implants?

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Unfortunately PET will not survive in the body that long. Lasers and HDPE / polymers donā€™t weld wellā€¦ charring and off gassing from the process create concerns about integrity and material contamination.