hello i have read through a few forums in regards to this topic, but couldn’t comment on them to ask the questions i had there. so i read that it is very difficult to clone a visa cards pay pass however i read that you might be interested in removing the chip from a card even tho it will be difficult and inserting that chip as a implant i would like to see if that is a option, even if it only lasts 2 years and if so roughly how much do you believe it may cost (just a ballpark figure). i live in cairns QLD Australia
Yes, the primary thread is here; Making payments with an implant - FAQs - Dangerous Things Forum
Removing a payment chip from a card and placing it into an implantable bioproof package should be possible, but it depends on a couple things - primarily if your payment card is a dual interface chip or if the contactless chip is separate from the contact chip. Dual interface chips can be extremely difficult to re-encapsulate because the silicon chip itself is not in a workable package, but instead is wirebonded to antenna leads and a goop adhesive is dabbed overtop, so the final package size includes the contact surfaces on the top, and antenna connections on the bottom. That drastically increases the size of the package that needs to be bioproofed and made implantable. In short, I have done this in the past with US payment cards which have a separate contactless chip or no contact chip at all, but I have not successfully done this with a dual interface chip… it’s very difficult.
I will see if I can get my hands on a old card and pull it apart but from what I have seen before I do believe that it is covered in a epoxy solution, is there anyway to clone the chip on a bank card I have read a little bit about other people doing it but no one has mentioned doing it to a implant
I’m researching cloning options and so far it seems to depend on whether or not you live here with me in the backward crazy stupid USA where we see your decent security standards EMV and just laugh at them… or the rest of the world where there is actually pretty decent crypto built into your tap cards.
IF your in the us, it is also covered in this tar like substance… or at least the card i played with… break that the wrong way and the chip data becomes unuseable… may have been an error on my end in that test…
Another curious question do you know if you can program multiple cards to the same implant or would you have to program The locks to suit
If you are removing a chip from an existing card, then you only get that card as an implant. We are exploring other options that might allow multiple cards to be programmed into the same application on VivoKey, but this is a very unlikely project to begin with… we’d just be happy to get one working
It’s not really what you asked, but still, payment’s TO you are easy with an xNT or other writable NFC tag. You can put a bitcoin:[address]
URL on it with NFC Tools (Pro). It will automatically open a payment app if these register for the bitcoin:
Typically you would not write your private key to your xNT… only your public key would be the sane thing to do … so you could TAKE payment with your implant but not MAKE payment… just be aware writing your private key to any insecure tag is asking for your wallet to be emptied
What if I’m not looking to implant the chip from my pre-paid Visa card but simply wish to make it as small as possible to put it into other household items?
I’ve tried lots of different antennas and they just don’t do a good job.
If I were to buy one of the implants and open it, attach my own chip… will it still work the same? Or is the frequency different?
(I’m also interested in implantable payment methods but I know they’re not reliable yet)
It would probably work worse than antennas you’ve tried since the physical size will be smaller. Also the “antenna” on a passive RFID device is actually an inductor, so it must have a matching capacitance. It’s not just about the frequency.