Mifare Classic card bricked


I was recently playing around with writting data to MIFare Classic 1K cards and accidentlly wrote all 0’s to Block 7, which is the Trailing block of Sector 1

This resulted in C1,C2,C3 bits all being 0

From what I have read the ~C1, ~C2, ~C3 are now invalid as they should be inverse of the C1,C2,C3… If they are not then the access conditions of the card result in bricking the card…

Has my mistake resulted in the Sector 1 Block 4,5,6 now being bricked ??

Can anyone help me to unbrick my card ?

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Read the Classic card manual a bit more I found this

Is this saying that my card’s sector 1 now irreversibly blocked ?

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yep. unless your card is a magic card & has a backdoor, it’s completely and irreversibly bricked on that sector.