January 22, 2023, 7:50pm
Hi all !
I need to make a copy of a MIFARE badge but i do not know how to do that. (39 sectors)
I use Mifare classic tool to do so and when i try to copy the dumb file the app say (out of range).
do i need to buy specific badges ?
Do you know how i can manage this to make my clone work ?
Thank you ! your help is much apreciated
What type of Mifare Card is that?
There are a number of types of “Mifare”
January 23, 2023, 12:42pm
How can i know it ? do you have any trick ?
the NXP app said :
IC manufacturer : NXP Semiconductor
IC Type : MIFARE Classic EV1 (MF1S70)
Mifare application : Multiapplication card
Thank you for your reply
If your only tool to write is the MCT app, you are limited to what you can do.
You may be lucky, the card might be blank and you might only need to write the UID.
You will need a
Mifare Classic 1k gen2 (mf1s50)
The important part is the gen2
a gen1a will not work with a phone.
My guess is you are in Europe, (Further guess France- How did I do?)
If so I would recommend KSEC
Grab a Magic card
Then try this
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