Mifare EV1 Cloning Checksum Issues [SOLVED]

Hi folks

I’m having trouble cloning what I believe is a Mifare Classic EV1 fob. I have two such fobs from the same source but with different Access Controls. I cloned the first with hf mf autopwn and hf mf cload without any issues.

The second, however, has been a struggle with a lot of Auth1 Errors.
Sector 14 appears to be the inaccessible portion.

I’ve attached the TagInfo and a bit of output from my terminal.

Any guidance on where I might be going wrong would be appreciated.

7E-75-B2-C7_25-Sep-24 13-18-03_taginfo_scan.txt (7.8 KB)

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I resolved this using hf tune and looking for the biggest mV dip which occurred with the fob underneath the PM3 rather than on the hf antenna pad. With the fob repositioned autopwn worked and the rest was fine.

Hope this helps the next fellow.


Well done answering your own question.And thanks for coming back and sharing the answer